
Who dares, wins…

A black poster graced my bedroom wall as a teenager. Centred on the poster was a photo of a breaking wave. The words underneath said, “Follow your dreams”.
At around the same time, I first heard the phrase, “if you’re not on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.”

Both these slogans were probably influential in shaping the type of person I am today.

I dare. Therefore, I win. Even if I don’t: the experience is invaluable.

I try.

At times, I succeed. Not always though. And that’s okay. Every experience, winning or not, is a learning one. Hopefully there are more winning moments than losing ones, but even if there aren’t, no matter. The fun is in the journey.

Miss12 and Miss9 played in a chess tournament yesterday: seven games in a day-long competition.

Miss12’s scores: Win, win, loss, win, win, win, draw.

Miss9’s scores: win, loss, win, win, loss, loss, win.

Miss12 placed 6th out of 82, Miss9 31st out of well over 100.

They were happy with that; I was ecstatic.

Yes, there were tears at times- it was a veritable emotional rollercoaster of a day. But by the end, happiness and an immense sense of achievement. 

They dared. They won.

There’s a lesson in that…

Have a great day, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn


Birthday ideas

My Dad asked me yesterday what I’d like for my 43rd birthday. It took me a while to answer, because I’d already decided what my parents could give me for Mothers Day and birthday, and Mum had bought both and given both already.

I’d also decided and purchased the gifts that Hubby and our three cherubs would give me for Mother’s Day: seasons 2 – 5 of the TV series Once Upon A Time.

Hence my answer to Dad for next Thursday, the day I turn 43: Season 6 of the same series. Because you can never have too much of a good thing. Yes?

Here’s wishing you a lovely day, dear Reader! 

– KRidwyn


Preparation time…

Tomorrow is Monday. Chess tournament day.

Last October, Miss12 played in her first tournament, playing in a team for her school. She won 5 out of 7 games – and the two that she lost, were the two she’d played with a chess timer (which she’d never had experience with, prior).

Tomorrow, she plays again – but as an individual, in the Sunshine Coast Age Championships. As Chess Coordinator for the school, I’m taking ten students, ranging from Year 12 to Year 5; the top ten chess players in the school. Miss12 is one of them.

Miss9 is another. Yes, my middle child will be heading to her first ever tournament tomorrow And boy, is she excited!

So today, we’ve headed to my parents’ place after church. Right now, Miss9 is busy solving chess puzzles with my Dad. I’m blogging, courtesy Mum’s wifi (because I’m out of data for the month, courtesy my kidlets) and these same kidlets are lining up to get chess hints ready for tomorrow.

I love them!

Have a great day, dear Reader πŸ™‚

– KRIdwyn


A full day :)

Today was pretty full. Chess games with kidlets, housework, installation of an air-con unit in the master bedroom, Morning Tea visit from our next-door neighbour (of course, when the power is out due to the aforementioned air-con installation) lunch at The Coffee Club – just me and Miss12 – then crocheting while introducing the kidlets to DragonHeart and Stargate (the movie) and cooking a humongous silverside roast for dinner.

After yesterday’s efforts, I’m ready for bed.

So good night, dear reader! See you tomorrow πŸ™‚


My day ‘off’

So it’s 11.29pm, Friday 2 June. I was just finishing up, about to head for bed and I remembered: it’s June. June as in #blogJune month! And I hadn’t published so much as a word blogside! Whoops!

Hence the phone, the lounge, the WordPress app: and this, the result.

Today was Friday. Normally, the end of the working week. But thanks to the local show making today a public holiday, it ended up being a stay-in-my-pyjamas, ‘Once-Upon-A-Time’-marathon-with-my-girls, crotchet-all-day kind of day instead. It was wonderful.

And Miss12 decided to not go to Youth Group tonight, which meant I didn’t actually need to change out of my pyjamas for THE WHOLE DAY!!! (It’s probably been close to a decade since I last was able to do that.)

Bliss. Heavenly. Absolute perfection of a day.

How was your Friday, dear Reader?



It’s #blogJune !!!

Huge thanks to @paulhagon for tweeting this yesterday:

It reminded me that it’s June tomorrow! I mean, yes, I knew it. I’ve been trying to finish Miss9’s blanket ready for winter, so I’ve been crotcheting in all my availbale down-time (and no, I don’t think I’ll be finishing before next week sometime) but the whole ‘BlogJune’ thing had slipped my mind.

And I’ve been bloggingJune since back when it was #blogeverydayinJune!

So I’m not about to *not* try now. In spite of the new job which is keeping me busier than I had expected it would… I am determined to try.

Admittedly, my posts this year may not be the same length as my posts in previous years…

But that’s okay with me. I need to attempt being reaalistic, after all!

Have a great day, dear Reader!

— KRidwyn

#AtoZchallenge Blogging challenges Random thoughts Uncategorized

P is for ‘power’

It’s a strange idea, really: power.

We all have it, to varying degrees.

The power to choose between options. To direct our own paths.

The power to eat those Easter eggs, that hot cross bun, and also the power to smile and say ‘no thank you’.

The power to get up in the morning and exercise, or the power to roll over and stay comfy under the covers.

The power to join in a conversation, likewise the power to remain silent.

The power to do the work we should – or to just check out our favourite social network a little first…

The power to offer a kind word, or a smile – maybe even a helping hand! Or the power to ignore. To pretend. To justify our busy-ness to ourself.

What power will *you* choose today?

Me? I’m hoping that for today – and for the rest of this week, this month, this year – that  the choices I make are wise ones.

Have a ‘powerful’ day, dear Reader!

— KRidwyn


So that was a first!

I don’t dream very often when I sleep. And, if I do, I never remember my dreams. But I dreamed this morning, just before I woke. And I remembered this one clearly.

I’ve always liked research. I find great pleasure in the discovery of fact, of information, that I had previously not known. Recently, I’ve been doing lots of research on writing. On editing. On revising and re-writing. On how to improve it, on how to make my own writing stronger.
I’ve been reading about narrative arcs, about the writer’s voice, about beats and tone and pacing. About making the characters believable. And maybe that’s the reason why my dream this morning got weird.
I was asleep. I was mid-dream. I was not awake at any point.
But, as the man in my dream started to dominate the woman in my dream, getting all aggressive, I somehow took a step backwards and starting analysing his character. I started questioning his goals, his motivation, his characterisation. I started wondering about her, realising that her secondary character status wasn’t adequate. That she needed to be more fully rounded – and I wasn’t thinking about her physical characteristics!
After this analysis, I returned to the dream. A couple of children entered the dream and the tableau I’d mentally been dissecting, was broken.
And then the dream finished, and I woke up. And realised what had happened.
It makes sense to me that the research I’ve been doing has had some impact on my dreaming. I just never expected to be able to analyse my dream’s characters, mid-dream. To me, that’s cool. Incredibly so.
I wonder if it will happen again?!!!

Weather event

helpless – a poem

I sit
In silence.

There should be noise.
There should be people.

“Weather event,” they say.
“Too dangerous,” they say.


I hug my knees tight against my chest. I dare not swallow, straining instead to hear the sounds I seek. My throat is tight. Every part of my body is tense. I am a taut coil of stillness.

And silence.

Ready to explode.

But waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.


News reports gleefully show photos. Videos.

Wind. And rain.

And water, water, water, water, water.

Reporters with fake concern spout statistics.

More questions than answers fill my computer screen, my news feeds; friends and followers all seeking information when there’s none to give. More questions. Few answers. I turn off the TV. Β The batteries die in my devices, one by one.
Worry consumes me.

Parents, like me,
and wait
Listening to the silence


And worrying
And worrying.

There should be noise here. There should be people.

But I sit
In silence

And worry.

How long, Lord? How long?


Aftermath – a poem

The surf roars this morning.

It’s showing off. Reminding the world of the power of nature.

The power to disrupt lives.

To take lives.

The kids arrived home from school gone 10 o’clock last night. Every road had been cut. But they were safe.

Not every child could say that.



sitting vigils over empty houses

had cried with relief

Loved ones home, safe.

But not every parent made it home safe last night.


Morning sun brings answers

There is dryness. Warmth. Work to do, repairs to make.

But not everyone will see the sun today. Not everyone will help with the work.


And the distant surf is roaring this morning. Boasting of the power of nature

to disrupt lives.

To take lives.

I can hear it.

Amidst the noise, the surf.



a new beginning…

So I’ve just done something I always said I’d do one day. I shaved my head.

I joined the many hundreds – thousands? – of people participating in #WorldsGreatestShave for the Leukemia Foundation.