Christianity Life momentous events

44/52 on success and worth

So this week’s been a pretty huge one. Miss 16 is no longer a school student, and my Dad’s dementia is moving apace. So I’ve been – in amomgst the emotional rollercoaster – reflecting on ‘what is sucess’ and ‘what is worth’ in equal measure.

Who defines success? Are the kids who walk across the stage to receive Speech Night awards any more ‘worthy’ than those who remain seated and applaud them?

And is the elderly person who remembers past events better than recent ones, less ‘worth’ spending time with than one with whom you can share your news with, and never need to repeat it?

I have no answers, just questions.

I’m glad the God I believe in knows, though! And I’m glad it’s a Sunday today, so I get to go be with others who worship Him too, and can help me out a little more in this crazy thing called ‘life’ 🙂

Have a happy Sunday yourself, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn
family anecdotes Life momentous events

38/52 The final stretch…

It’s been a what feels like a marathan-and-a-half, but my Miss 16 has finally entered her last term of High School. It’s crazy to think that in just a few short weeks she’ll be sitting her final exams, and then graduating!

It’s been a LOOOONG time coming (well, seeing as she skipped Year 4 it’s actually been fewer years than what it would normally have been) but I’m thinking that the emotional rollercoaster that has been the last four years might be coming to an end.

Don’t get me wrong – it’s been a wild ride and I wouldn’t have exchanged it for the world. We’re in a good place now, and I’m super-enjoying Bingeing Grimm with her (we’re getting through the seasons faster than I thought we would, but she’s enjoying the series and I’m enjoying rewatching them) so this is a beautiful thing.

But the end of her ‘schooling’ chapter is hurtling towards us and who knows what’s on the other side? (Well, God does, but no-one living here on His good green Earth does, that I’m aware of) so I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in the next chapter. We just need to get through this term, and exams, and graduation first!

Bring on November 15, is all I can say 🙂

Have a wonderful term yourself, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn
#Springinyourstep momentous events teaching

35/52 Made it!

I wasn’t sure if I could… but Praise God who sustained me to reach this (school holiday) season!!!

Have a wonderful week, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn


31/52 Me, after this week…

It’s been a doozy of a week. So this resonated with me a lot:

As did this:

Self-care is important, people!

Please, be kind to yourself today and this week, okay?

– KRidwyn

#blogjune family anecdotes momentous events Random thoughts

#BlogJune Day 13

I missed a day! Sad 🙁

but a friend I hadn’t heard from in simply ages replied to a tweet and also commented on here (hi Snail!) so: happy!

Reason for missed day: my Mum had had a car accident on the 11th (hence the cryptic post because I was too emotional to write coherently) and – although she’s okay and in fact, better than okay, she’s remarkably good praise God! – I spent hours (literally) on the phone with the insurance company and that chewed up good blogpost-writing time. Sigh.

I *had* intended to post this photo (taken yesterday, when I discovered its existence!) as I found it so amusing:

I guess I’ve reached the age whereupon (ha! Check out that old word!) I receive birthday cards from politicians by virtue of not dying yet. Ummm… not sure how that makes me feel, really, but… okay?!

Have a ‘not dying’ day yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune momentous events

#BlogJune Day 7

Today was a huge day. I turned 50. It was also momentous for my kelpie pup.

1) I did something I never thought I’d do, and bought dog clothing. She’s been cold at night… even Hubby mentioned that she’s not built like our (now passed away) German Shepherds! And

2) I bought her a new toy. And I swear her eyes widened when she first saw it. It’s bigger than she is! Check it out on her bed:


anyway, I hope momentous things (good ones only, of course) happen to you today, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges momentous events Random thoughts Writing

BlogJune #1

Better late than never, amiright? Truth be told, it wasn’t until the early hours of June 2 that I decided I was going to do the #blogJune challenge again this year. And 2024’s theme? Daily photo.

So apologies for being several hours late, but here was June the first’s:

Hope your day was similarly festive, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn

13/52 On stuffing up

I don’t like making mistakes. In fact, I really REALLY don’t like it. I find it embarrassing; humiliating. Humbling. And what irks me is that I keep on stuffing up. Over and over (and over!) again! You’d think I’d know by now, how to not make the same mistake twice (or even thrice, or more, if I’m being honest) but no. I fail. Time and time again.

It makes sense, really. I’m human. Fallible. Born this way… as we all are.

Why though? Why is it human nature to err?

Well, if you ask me (and I’m going to take it as granted that you kinda did, because you’re here, after all, reading my thoughts!) it’s because my great- great- great- too- many- times- I- don’t- even- know- great- grandfather- and- grandmother made a choice.

They knew what they were choosing was ‘wrong’ but they went ahead and did it anyway (and if they were anything like me, they were probably also thinking they’d get away with it; that the rules ‘didn’t apply to them’) but no. The rules did apply. That choice, choosing their own way instead of God’s, led to their ‘fall’ out of grace, and into their own sinful life. And every human since then has been born into that same sinful nature. ‘Human nature’ we call it; ‘sinful nature’ is a truer name for it. Because we’re no longer under grace, but under the ‘sin’ of our own choices.

But praise God for His incredible love for us! He made a choice too.

He knew, even when He first created Adam and Eve, that this choice would cost Him… and it did. He chose to leave Paradise. He chose to spend thirty-something years here on the remnants of the amazing planet He created, surrounded by dirt and muck and people He created who didn’t believe He was who He said He was… and who hated Him so much that they mocked, beat, and finally crucified Him. And He let them do that!

But the story doesn’t end there. He did it because sin leads to death. That first sin, way back in great- great- great- etc- grandpa’s- and- grandma’s time, meant that all humanity would die. So he sacrificied His home in Paradise and chose to be born fully human and live a perfect life here on Earth, AND DIE, so that He could conquer death.

And He did!!!

He didn’t remain dead. And neither will we!

Death is NOT the ending! Instead, it is the transition into eternity – what was always planned, right from the very beginning!

So it’s my greatest wish to live again, in that age of ‘grace’ with which the world began. And I believe that, when my physical body finally passes through that threshold and eternal life begins, that I’ll be with my God, be with my saviour, Jesus Christ, and see him finally face to face. What an incredible day that will be!

And that’s my belief, dear Reader.

It’s also my hope and prayer that it be your belief too – and if it’s not yet, that you check it out for yourself. REALLY, intentionally, check it out. Because this life is short, and no one knows when it’ll finish.

And – just like me – we all stuff up… but the way to be free from the consequences of stuffing up is to believe in this God. To believe that He sent His son, whom we call Jesus Christ, to die in our stead so we might be reconciled to Him.

Please, dear Reader, if you gain nothing else from this blog, go read a Bible for yourself. See for yourself if Jesus is who He says He is.

I promise you now, you won’t regret it!

And here’s praying you have an amazing week 🙂 See you next Sunday!

  • KRidwyn
family anecdotes

8/52 On sadness…

Hubby and I have had dogs for many years now. Late last year, we lost our beautiful Aksel, our 14 year old German Shepherd. Like most shepherds, it was his back hips.

Last Sunday, we lost Rocky, our 14 year old Australian Cattle dog. He had cancer 🙁

Meaning we have one dog left, our kelpie puppy Kiya.

It’s been a hard week on all of us…

See you next week, dear Reader. I hope it’s a good one for you!

  • KRidwyn




6/52 on celebrating a life

I spent quite a bit of yesterday afternoon with tears in my eyes. Together with what felt like hundreds of people, we celebrated the life of this amazing man, Richard William Whittington.

I met Richard and his beautiful wife Colleen on their return to Australia from South Africa, in 2002. We attended the same church – Chesed – on Friday evenings in Nambour, and he quickly struck me as an amazing man of God, one who ‘walked’ the talk.

It was a beautiful service, full of touching memories. And so uplifting! The thought that Richard is not dead, but alive and with our Father, whom he served so faithfully while here on earth. A true ‘celebration’ of a life well lived.

And to celebrate this life with old friends, some of whom I hadn’t seen in person, in well over 18 years! What a blessing they all are to me. Sure, we’ve kept in touch via Facebook, virtually witnessing life events and the like, but to see them again and feel the warmth of their hugs was to be transported back in time again.

What a special afternoon; one which I have stored up in my heart. I am so blessed to have known Richard – and blessed still further by my God for his putting such amazing people in my life! I treasure them dearly.

I wish for you a week of remembering, and catching up with, such precious people in your own life, dear Reader.

  • KRidwyn