family anecdotes momentous events


Miss14 graduated Middle School last week. Her Graduation Dinner was a truly enjoyable occasion, honouring the efforts and achievements of the young men and women who had made this milestone in their journeys.

She wore her first ‘formal dress’ with high heels, and was wearing jewellery and perfume.

It was a beautiful evening! I laughed, I choked up, but mostly I was proud of the young lady God had given to Hubby and me to raise.

What a memorable event. I trust your own week is just as memorable, dear Reader šŸ™‚

– KRidwyn

family anecdotes


A tale of three photos:

October 1:

November 17:


November 21:


Here’s hoping your week was more photo-worthy, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

family anecdotes Random thoughts Technology


I’ve blogged already this year about Ark. I haven’t played it since that post, but Miss14 has – and is ecstatic that she’s now tamed a griffin (several hours worth of work) and it’s in her own game, not one on a multi-player server.

Because the first one she’d tamed (note: seven HOURS of not-completing-homework and not-helping-around-the-house) had been on a multi-player server – and it had been stolen while she slept. The thief flew him around, and killed him. Big drama. Sigh.

But she’s happy now. And she’s started making videos, and that makes her happy too.

And this makes me happy.

[Lucky she’s up-to-date with her homework and the housework isn’t too onerous, is all I can say!]

Have a ‘happy’ week yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

Life momentous events teaching Work


I wrote last week about my operation… well, kinda.

So I had surgery on the Tuesday, and had Wednesday and Thursday off work, and returned Friday – which also happened to be my birthday.

One of my incredibly wonderful colleagues decided sheā€™d make me a cheesecake – both to cheer my up after the operation and for my birthday.


From scratch.

Using Oreos – SOOOOO scrumptious!!!

And all for me šŸ˜€

Wasnā€™t it pretty? And it tasted even better than it looked! I am so lucky!

Hereā€™s wishing you a blessed week too, dear Reader!

More about me teaching Work


I’ve been wanting to share this for a while now: my mystery portrait.

It hangs in my office at work, along with the two other artworks made by students and given me over the years.

The other two were hand-delivered, so I could thank my student personally.

Not so with this.

It was secretly left on my office desk in the first week back this year. The only clue was the handwritten note ‘Welcome back Mrs Bloxham’ on the back.

Now the content matter is amusing. It’s me, in a monster BookWeek costume from 2016. The only selfie I have on my Instagram profile.

What I find incredible? And so, so, so humbling? That a student would seek out a photo of me, and then spend hours and hours and HOURS of their time, during their holidays, drawing me! Because it is a FANTASTIC drawing!

Such a blessing. And I haven’t been able to find out which student blessed me yet, which adds to the mystery šŸ™‚

So if it’s you, dear Reader, lurking on my blog, THANK YOU! And for my other blog Readers, here’s wishing you a pleasant mystery in your week too šŸ™‚

– KRidwyn

momentous events

It’s fast running out…

My middle child graduates from Primary School in a few weeks. Iā€™m not ready for this to happen.

Sheā€™s ten. Young for her grade; she was bright enough to be accelerated a couple of years ago, and sheā€™s been blossoming ever since. And Iā€™m immensely proud of her for that.

But Iā€™m also aware of the potential problems. Sheā€™s small (and cute! Mummy bias here) and possibly more naive than her peers. And yet, mature, for all that. She continually surprises me, with her reactions to events and the considered approach she takes to life. Sheā€™s an amazing kid.

And sheā€™s graduating Primary School. Entering the big bad world of High School. Although not really. Sheā€™s entering the Middle School which Iā€™m Head of, so itā€™s not too bad. And it never will be, as long as I have something to do with it! Iā€™m looking forward to having her in my school, even though it means I personally will have more offspring in secondary than I’ll have in primary school, and Iā€™m not particularly comfortable with what that says about my age! But Iā€™ll need to suck it up, I guess. Cos I canā€™t stop it, no matter what I do.

Sigh. Carry on, one day at a time. Realise that thereā€™s a milestone here to be celebratedā€¦ one thatā€™ll never happen again.

Enjoy, and remember. Be like Mary, the mother of Jesus, who ā€œtreasured these things in her heartā€.

Amen, LORD.

And have a memorable week yourself, dear Reader!

ā€” KRidwyn

Christianity momentous events Review

Best night EVER!

Friday night. The not-too-distant past. Sons of Korah, Australian Christian band, playing at Lifepointe Baptist church at Buderim.

SOOOOO worth the almost-20-year (yeh, you read that correctly) wait to see them live.

They were BRILLIANT! Their technical expertise was beyond compare. Such timing, such accuracy – they were so ‘tight’, it was – truly – incredible. As in, the “real” meaning of that word. Beyond belief.

It’s been years since I’ve been so ‘swept up’ in the moment. But that concert did it for me. I was alive šŸ™‚

[I wonder if that’s how God feels, looking down on us with such delight?! A beautiful thought!]

Anyway, I just wanted to share this memory with you today. And if you’re interested in their music, try here. I’d recommend their initial album, ‘Light of Life’ as a great starting point!

And here’s praying that you have a inspired week, dear Reader šŸ™‚

– KRidwyn

family anecdotes Life momentous events Random thoughts

A little apprehensive…

What feels like aeons ago now, but was only decades (ha!) I played violin in an orchestra. The South-West Regional Youth Orchestra, as a matter of fact, which changed its name during my time there to the Brisbane Regional Youth Orchestra. I was a member for the majority of my teenage life, and made friends there who not only came to my wedding but with whom I’ve kept in contact for the many years since.

Which brings me up to recent days – in which I received an invitation. To join their massed orchestra, with all their other alumni, for their 35th anniversary celebration concert.


I’d love to go, to play… but I haven’t played (truly ‘played’, as in, played well, with technical proficiency) for well over a decade now… and I’ve never been to a reunion in my life!

Hence the apprehension.

It’s this Sunday.

By my next blog post, it’ll be all over.

Wish me luck!

– KRidwyn

family anecdotes Life More about me teaching


My first ever šŸ™‚

So I took a break from creating the sets for the musical I’m directing (opening night just 4 days away, tickets available on 07 5436 6777) and took Miss13 and Miss10 to the Sunshine Coast Womens’ and Girls’ chess tournament. They begged and wheedled, so -for the first time ever – I entered myself, as well.

It was scary! But I’m glad I did.

Miss 13 earned 2nd place in U18 division.

Miss10 won the U13 division (her sister’s title from 2017).

And I came 3rd in the Adult division! Woot!!!

Here’s praying that you have a successful week too, dear Reader!

— KRidwyn

Christianity Life momentous events More about me

In which I contemplate how amazed I shouldn’t be

I keep telling people how amazed I am at my quick recovery from the evil back injury I suffered recently.

Monday 25th June, 10am. The last Monday of term. The doctor who was treating me said he thought I’d be immobile for two weeks, and he’d be able to get me back to ‘normal’ (mostly pain-free) mobility by the end of 5-6 weeks.

Shock doesn’t even remotely describe how I felt. But then again, I was also in childbirth-like agony at the time, and my brain cells weren’t firing anywhere near their usual capacity.

I left the doctor’s office and called my boss, relayed the news, emailed my colleagues. Put the diagnosis out on Facebook. Then I received message after message after message, from friends and family near and far, who offered their support – and their prayers.

I was touched. (And in agony. And tears – many, many tears.) But determined to do everything I could to aid the healing process. The doctor had said ‘ice’? I’d be the ice queen! He’d said ‘horizontal’? I wouldn’t move a muscle!

(Admittedly, the phrase ‘off work for the rest of the week’ did *not* mean that – ask my Mum, who watched me plough through marking paper after paper, responding to email after email, proofing and writing report after report, all in a horizontal position either facedown or face up, ten minute interval changes, non-stop, from 5am until 9pm-ish!)

And wouldn’t you know it, but by Friday 2pm I was back at school. On crutches, but vertical. Yes, you’re probably thinking, ‘stupid!’ but I’d missed the kids terribly and wanted to see them before they left on two-and-a-half-weeks holiday, pray with them and for them, and testify to them just how amazingly their prayers for me had worked. That I was vertical, and walking on crutches, and was amazed at my recovery – but SHOULDN’T HAVE BEEN!

Because I’d been holding fast to James 5:16. Especially the second part:

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Because I knew what the doctor didn’t – that the God who had made me, and who had let me go through this experience for His own good reasons, was able to heal me as well, for His own good reasons.

And He was doing exactly that! I should not have been able to be mobile – and yet, I was. And now, two weeks later, I should be starting to achieve pain-free mobility – and yet, I have it! Sure, sometimes it’s uncomfortable, but I’m just happy to be upright and without crutches šŸ™‚

And in conversations with many, many, many others since then, I’ve been telling them how amazing my recovery has been – and then realising, over and over and over again, how amazed I should NOT be by this.

Wow, our God is an incredible God, isn’t He?

I hope you too, dear Reader, are having an AMAZING day today šŸ™‚

And see you next week!

– KRidwyn