Random thoughts Work

27/52 On habit creation

So June ended, and with it, the challenge to publish a daily blogpost for #blogJune.

And it took a number of days before I stopped thinking ‘oh! I haven’t posted yet… and this’d make a good post!’ so… I guess that means I’d created myself a daily blogging habit?!

But it’s definitely July now, the first Sunday of, so it’s time to resume my Sunday blogging schedule. And today marks 27 of the 52 posts I had set myself back in January 🙂

So keeping with the topic of ‘habits help you to get things done’ I just wanted to post this photo right here:

That’s right. For a mere $25K you could own your own barrel organ. How cool is THAT?!! (Ooh! I’ve never seen one of these intact before, as Nemo’s teacher would have said)

Seriously though: it’s incredible to think of the dedication that the creation of this instrument must have taken. Not only the mechanics of making the instrument actually work, but also the incredible craftsmanship in the painstaking attention to detail in the instrument’s decorations! A true work of art.

And such incredible-ness can ONLY happen through habit-creation. The dedication of doing small amounts consistently, day by day by day by day by day.

Without this, the instrument wouldn’t exist.

And this day by day process is not just for weeks, nor months, but YEARS.

Inspirational dedication, that. An aspirational habit.

And with that thought, I’m off to go be productive for the rest of my day.

Have a great week, dear Reader, and I’ll see you next Sunday!

– KRidwyn


#blogjune Blogging challenges Random thoughts

#BlogJune Day 30

#BlogJune for 2024… done!!!

I think 28 June blogposts, almost in a row, is close to my record, so I’m happy with that 🙂

I also found time, before church this morning, to burn off the pile of stuff that’s been accumulating over months and months now, so that was also a very fulfilling accomplishment.

And I think my fire may even have been larger than my friend Steven’s from the other day, so there’s that too 😛

Here’s wishing you a successful end of month too, dear Reader!


#blogjune Random thoughts Review

#BlogJune Day 28

Seriously in love with these boots. I’ve had them a week and they’re fast becoming my new favourite footwear!

They’re fur-lined so it feels like slippers… worn while out and about! And oh so comfortable 🙂

Here’s hoping you have a ‘favourite item’ purchase soon too, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune family anecdotes momentous events Random thoughts

#BlogJune Day 25

Yesterday was a red letter day. I finally succeeeded at something I’d been unable to do: finish dessert at The Pancake Manor.

Eating there is a pleasure I share with my Mum. Not sure why, but whenever we’re in Brisbane for the day we make a point of eating a meal there. And although I ensure my stomach is growling prior to entry, I’d never yet made it through a meal AND dessert due to the huge meal sizes.

So yesterday, Brisbane bound with Miss16, the challenge again was to consume the entire dessert. And we did it!

(Admittedly, we shared one dessert between us, and both of us were wise enough to only order the ‘entree’ sized meal… but we did it!)

And it was DELICIOUS!!! and so decadent 🙂 🙂 🙂

In case you’re intereseted, I had the Chicken crepe (chicken and mushroom filling on a bed of mashed potatoes) and Mum the seafood crepe, and our dessert was the Macadamia Madness. And even now, writing about it, I can feel my tastebuds watering behind the smile playing around my lips.

It was truly a memorable day!

Here’s hoping yours is as well, dear Reader 🙂

  • KRidwyn

[Also, sorry for the shocking photo quality. But we all know how badly I take photos…]

#blogjune Random thoughts

#BlogJune Day 18

Back on June 7, I bought Kiya a new toy. Huge, thick. Indestructible, or so I thought.

This morning’s photo shows not only how loved it has been, but also just how wrong I was.

Sigh. Destructo-gurl for the win. Again! You’ve got to admit though, she’s a source of continual amusement 🙂

She loves it. She’s even napping with it, as I write:

(She turned her head to face me, to check out what I was doing, just as I took the photo. lol)

Have an amusing day yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune family anecdotes momentous events Random thoughts

#BlogJune Day 13

I missed a day! Sad 🙁

but a friend I hadn’t heard from in simply ages replied to a tweet and also commented on here (hi Snail!) so: happy!

Reason for missed day: my Mum had had a car accident on the 11th (hence the cryptic post because I was too emotional to write coherently) and – although she’s okay and in fact, better than okay, she’s remarkably good praise God! – I spent hours (literally) on the phone with the insurance company and that chewed up good blogpost-writing time. Sigh.

I *had* intended to post this photo (taken yesterday, when I discovered its existence!) as I found it so amusing:

I guess I’ve reached the age whereupon (ha! Check out that old word!) I receive birthday cards from politicians by virtue of not dying yet. Ummm… not sure how that makes me feel, really, but… okay?!

Have a ‘not dying’ day yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Random thoughts

#BlogJune Day 4

I had high hopes for this one. Look how pretty that rectangular white dish is! And it’s included in the price?! Fantastic!


The reality did not match the hope 🙁

Oh well. Live and learn.

I hope your hopes were all met today, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges Random thoughts

#BlogJune 2

The diary food I miss most, now I’m cutting down on all non-essential diary (due to chest pains / suspected reflux,) is yoghurt. I was bemoaning this, this morning after church, when the last I was speaking with suggested the dairy-free yoghurt from ALDI. So I picked some up while shopping this afternoon.

And: SOOOOOOO yum!!! Here’s hoping I won’t be woken at 2am feeling like someone’s shoved an invisible spear through my chest (or that voodoo dolls actually *do* exist and someone has one of me) – I’ll let you know how I go!

Here’s wishing you a pain-free day and night too, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges momentous events Random thoughts Writing

BlogJune #1

Better late than never, amiright? Truth be told, it wasn’t until the early hours of June 2 that I decided I was going to do the #blogJune challenge again this year. And 2024’s theme? Daily photo.

So apologies for being several hours late, but here was June the first’s:

Hope your day was similarly festive, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn
Life Random thoughts teaching Technology

20/52 On accordions

I think I was about 10 when I decided I wanted to play the Piano Accordion. I did for a while, too! It was pretty cool 🙂

The other day, I was completing some online planning for work when I unintentionally hovered over a heading, prompting a notification. “Click to expand or collapse the accordion” it read.


Accordion? What?

Since when is a menu, or downward facing arrow, or three dots (usually vertical, but not always) called ‘an accordion’?

But how apt! I love it.

I’m going to be using this phrase a lot more from now on. ‘Click to expand / collapse the accordion.’

Have an expansive week yourself, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn