So June ended, and with it, the challenge to publish a daily blogpost for #blogJune.
And it took a number of days before I stopped thinking ‘oh! I haven’t posted yet… and this’d make a good post!’ so… I guess that means I’d created myself a daily blogging habit?!
But it’s definitely July now, the first Sunday of, so it’s time to resume my Sunday blogging schedule. And today marks 27 of the 52 posts I had set myself back in January 🙂
So keeping with the topic of ‘habits help you to get things done’ I just wanted to post this photo right here:
That’s right. For a mere $25K you could own your own barrel organ. How cool is THAT?!! (Ooh! I’ve never seen one of these intact before, as Nemo’s teacher would have said)
Seriously though: it’s incredible to think of the dedication that the creation of this instrument must have taken. Not only the mechanics of making the instrument actually work, but also the incredible craftsmanship in the painstaking attention to detail in the instrument’s decorations! A true work of art.
And such incredible-ness can ONLY happen through habit-creation. The dedication of doing small amounts consistently, day by day by day by day by day.
Without this, the instrument wouldn’t exist.
And this day by day process is not just for weeks, nor months, but YEARS.
Inspirational dedication, that. An aspirational habit.
And with that thought, I’m off to go be productive for the rest of my day.
Have a great week, dear Reader, and I’ll see you next Sunday!
– KRidwyn