I’ve blogged already this year about Ark. I haven’t played it since that post, but Miss14 has – and is ecstatic that she’s now tamed a griffin (several hours worth of work) and it’s in her own game, not one on a multi-player server.
Because the first one she’d tamed (note: seven HOURS of not-completing-homework and not-helping-around-the-house) had been on a multi-player server – and it had been stolen while she slept. The thief flew him around, and killed him. Big drama. Sigh.
But she’s happy now. And she’s started making videos, and that makes her happy too.
And this makes me happy.
[Lucky she’s up-to-date with her homework and the housework isn’t too onerous, is all I can say!]
Have a ‘happy’ week yourself, dear Reader!
– KRidwyn