
It’s #blogJune !!!

Huge thanks to @paulhagon for tweeting this yesterday:

It reminded me that it’s June tomorrow! I mean, yes, I knew it. I’ve been trying to finish Miss9’s blanket ready for winter, so I’ve been crotcheting in all my availbale down-time (and no, I don’t think I’ll be finishing before next week sometime) but the whole ‘BlogJune’ thing had slipped my mind.

And I’ve been bloggingJune since back when it was #blogeverydayinJune!

So I’m not about to *not* try now. In spite of the new job which is keeping me busier than I had expected it would… I am determined to try.

Admittedly, my posts this year may not be the same length as my posts in previous years…

But that’s okay with me. I need to attempt being reaalistic, after all!

Have a great day, dear Reader!

— KRidwyn