
Preparation time…

Tomorrow is Monday. Chess tournament day.

Last October, Miss12 played in her first tournament, playing in a team for her school. She won 5 out of 7 games – and the two that she lost, were the two she’d played with a chess timer (which she’d never had experience with, prior).

Tomorrow, she plays again – but as an individual, in the Sunshine Coast Age Championships. As Chess Coordinator for the school, I’m taking ten students, ranging from Year 12 to Year 5; the top ten chess players in the school. Miss12 is one of them.

Miss9 is another. Yes, my middle child will be heading to her first ever tournament tomorrow And boy, is she excited!

So today, we’ve headed to my parents’ place after church. Right now, Miss9 is busy solving chess puzzles with my Dad. I’m blogging, courtesy Mum’s wifi (because I’m out of data for the month, courtesy my kidlets) and these same kidlets are lining up to get chess hints ready for tomorrow.

I love them!

Have a great day, dear Reader 🙂

– KRIdwyn