
Increasing my site stats

Hi 8A! This post today is dedicated to you.

Because you’ve just finished your own blogs, and now you’re looking at mine, so hi! Welcome! It’s lovely to have you here!

And everyone else, have a great day 🙂

— KRidwyn


Cracking up

For the first time ever, as in forever, in my whole life,

My phone screen has a crack. 

I noticed it yesterday. It’s not huge or anything – in fact, I thought it was a hair until I tried getting rid of it.

But no. I have finally joined the legions of others with cracks across their iPhone screens.


I need a holiday.

Here’s hoping that your day was a good one, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn



I have one.

My brain has been holding too much in it for far too long.

I just can’t write more right now.

Hope your day is going better, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn


Telling stories

I had a conversation with a couple of my school kids yesterday. It got me thinking about how much of my past I should share with them – how my experiences could help them, but, that there’s also a limit to what should be shared, where the line is between sharing, and telling so many details that faith – in me, in the position of responsibility I have over them – is shaken, and perhaps even lost.

So I shared – carefully – more of my story with them today. Not every gory little detail, but enough for them to understand my position on the topic in question, for them to get why I hold the opinion I do.

And they responded in kind. I got a hug; and then – wonder of wonders – others wanted to share. It was a humbling experience. I was honoured to be there, to have them share their pasts, their stories, with me.

It was beautiful. I love my job!

I hope you too, have a beautiful moment today, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn


Hanging with my bestie

I got to do this today. 

I needed it.

I am so, so, so incredibly thankful that God has put her in my life. 

Having the freedom to just be me, without judgement or expectation – that’s true friendship, in my opinion.

Here’s wishing you time with your bestie soon too, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn



Today is Friday the 16th of June.

It’s the 16th day of #blogJune.

And this is my sixteenth post.

Yes, that’s correct, dear Reader – I am, indeed, on track.

I am puzzled as to how this is so. I didn’t think I would be in this position: of being ‘up to date’ with my blog posts; especially seeing as the new job is so incredibly demanding! (‘It’s 10.50pm and I’m just sitting down’ kind of demanding.)

However, this is, indeed, the case. I am, however strangely, keeping up – and although I *know* I’m incredibly proud of myself, I’m also a little bemused.

After all, if I could be keeping up now, why on Earth couldn’t I keep the #blogJune thing happening in previous years, when I wasn’t anywhere NEAR as busy as I am right now?

Something to ponder, I guess.

Have a great day, dear Reader!




That emotion, that’s just so strong

So powerful

So unyieldingly possessing you

That you just can’t even think

Can’t even understand

What you’re feeling

Because it’s just so strong?

Every fibre of your being

Is being tossed in the maelstrom 

The whirlwind 

The scattering 

Of rational thought?




It’s Saturday. 1.22pm. I’m sitting in my bedroom, on my window seat, the sun streaming through and warming my back.
It’s winter and I don’t like winter. I don’t like the cold. Correction: I can cope mighty fine with cold weather if I have a seat in the sun, out of the breeze, and still be warm.
Self-diagnosed with SAD, that’s me. You’ve heard of it? ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’: a mood disorder, or type of depression, that’s related to the change in seasons.
Just now, my warming sun has hidden her face behind a cloud. I wait – impatiently – for her to re-emerge, and contemplate the bed, my doona, and electric blanket while I wait. (I worked this morning, in a cold cold place and my toes haven’t yet begun to thaw, you see…)

Ha. The sun has brightened, and with it, my smile. Oh! That it could remain bright and warm for several hours. I could be happy with that.

What makes you happy, dear Reader?

– KRidwyn


Manners maketh.

The wardrobes in my cherubs bedrooms have been door-less for years. Long story, and not one for today. 

So I called my favourite glass and aluminium company yesterday, seeking a quote. 

The singularly unhelpful receptionist made the next five minutes of my life both unpleasant and memorable. 

Result: I called elsewhere, and arranged a quote through a different door-making company.  

Result 2: my ‘favourite’ glass and aluminium company is no longer; the position is currently up for grabs. 

Result 3: this blogpost. On manners, and the effect they have. 

Conclusion: I need to be aware of how I speak to others. Lest I have the same effect that receptionist had.
Have a great day, dear reader 🙂

– KRidwyn


So today happened

It was a long one. Full. Exhausting.

The kind you don’t really want to repeat. Ever.

The kind where you feel guilty because there *were* a couple of wins in there, but they were overshadowed by the yuk stuff, and it’s hard to keep joy when you feel like, well – like this.

Someone once said to me that, after a particularly yuk scene had occurred, they felt as though they had been vomited on. Well, I can identify with that.

Praise God for the wins then, hey!

Anyway, I’m needing some zzz’s. Hopefully they’ll find me.

Night, night, dear reader! And may our tomorrow’s be better than our today’s!

God bless you,
