
A state of being

Hubby asked me this morning if I was still tired. I said yes, and that I’ve been tired for ages – a month, at least.

Tiredness is now my state of being. My default position, as it were.

I guess I can blame lots of things. The new job (still loving it, by the way!), the kids, the commitments I’ve made, the choices – both wise, and stupid, which I make on a day-to-day basis, the housework, the gardening (not that much of *that* happens, anymore!) and many others spring to mind.

But laying blame elsewhere is pointless. It is what it is, my life, and it is what I choose it to be.

I glanced at Facebook last night, while waiting for cherub number 2 to finish brushing her teeth. Caught a post from a friend stating that the Writing Race was on soon, as it was Wednesday.

My heart skipped a beat. The Writing Race! A weekly event that I’ve been involved with for a couple of years – except in 2017, because life and busy and all that jazz.

But last night, I made it. Sure, I was tired, and could have probably done with an earlier bed time, but I chose to write instead, in the company of my writing peers and friends, and a darn good time was had by all and sundry.

And boy howdy, can I fit another hackneyed cliche in here at all?!

It must be that tiredness kicking in again. 

Have a great week, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn


So I’ve been meaning to post this for a while now

It’s a prayer. One I try to pray daily, for each person in my family, and I’d like to share it today with you, dear Reader ๐Ÿ™‚ 

(And just a quick note, although I’m writing ‘he’, I also mean ‘she’ for any female Readers out there!)

Father God, I pray for my Reader today.

I pray that he might look to You for leading, and guidance.

I pray that he might seek Your will, to walk right in the centre of it, all day long.

I pray that he might rely on Your wisdom, Your understanding, Your strength, Your courage, Your discernment and Your resilience.

I pray that He might recommit himself to you, for the rest of this day, this week, this month, and this year. Help him Lord, to shine Your light into the lives of those around him. And please Lord, surround him with Your angels; keep him safe, if that’s Your will.

Father, I ask that he might draw near to You, even as You have drawn near to him.

Lord, I ask that today, my Reader might be aware of Your presence with him. I pray he might be eager to be in Your presence, he might desire Your company, and that he might be greedy for Your time and Your attention. 

Lord, I pray that he might walk lock-step through the day with you, so that by the end of it when he looks back, he might know himself happy, and blessed, because of who You are, and what You’ve done – for him, and in him, and through him.

Lord, I ask that if the path before him is crooked, please Father, help him to straighten it. If the path before him is crooked, please Father, help him to smooth it. If the path before him is treacherous today, please Lord, enlarge his feet lest he stumble, and harm befall him or others around him. 

Lord, I ask that the decisions before my Reader today might be wise ones, might honour You, and Lord, if it’s Your will, I pray that these decisions might be easy for him to make, and follow through with. 

Lord, I ask that my Reader might be a good wife or husband; a good mother or father, a good daughter or son. Help him to be a good boss for his staff, a good employee of his workplace, a good colleague to his peers and a good friend to all.

Help him to be a good teacher of others today Lord, and a good student of theirs too. Help him to be a good ambassador for You today, and a good steward of the talents and  responsibilities You have entrusted to him.

Father, I pray that You might be with him and bless him today. Bless the work of his hands. Strengthen him to do Your will. Bind him together with his family and all of his loved ones, and draw them all into Your presence today Lord, I pray.

In Jesus’ name,


Life teaching Uncategorized Work

Heavily weighted

So it’s Saturday morning and I’m only now finding the time to write the blogpost I meant to post on Monday just gone ๐Ÿ™

It’s been a huge week. Mr8 caught a cold last weekend, so I considered taking parental leave on Monday – but reconsidered when I discovered that the Principal, Head of Senior School and Head of Primary were all going to be away, so I’d be the only Exec member on campus! Cue Hubby taking a day off to be with our son, and my attempting to not let the school burn down in everyone’s absence! But I managed, as did everyone else, and Tuesday dawned without incident.

One of Tuesday’s tasks was to prepare my students for the inaugural ‘Onesie Wednesday’ fundraiser, the following day – and as it was the first of its kind, we made it a secret event, in that only the Middle Schoolers themselves, and their teachers, were aware of it. The day started as usual, but at the beginning of recess, everyone changed into Onesies. Frogs and Tiggers, unicorns and minions, animals and even Pikachu appeared on campus, to the surprise of everyone else and to the delight of those of us ‘in the know’.

Great fun was had by all, then we changed back at Lunchtime and the day continued as usual. Then at 3pm I had car park duty; 3.15pm the first ever session of Chess Academy to start, and 3.30pm was my first Parent-Teacher interview timeslot… my evening finished at gone 8pm.

Needless to say, I was quite happy to not be at the gym at 4.45am Thursday!

Instead, my bestie came around for some much needed sanity time Thursday afternoon, because Friday was not only Athletics Carnival all day at school, but also the beginning of Eisteddfod last night. 

Miss12 performed a Jazz piece on Piano, earning herself a Highly Commended. And this morning she’s performed again, with Miss9 waiting on the sidelines to perform in her two categories this afternoon.

It’s been huge. A heavy load – kinda like how I’m explaining to Miss13 at the moment, to ‘weight’ her right hand when playing Piano, so the melody sings out above the chorded left hand bass notes.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow, let me tell you!

Have a great rest-of-the-week, everyone!

– KRidwyn


Archaic words

I was writing a Facebook post a couple of days ago about the thunder I’d heard, and how my watertanks needed replenishing.

Which got me thinking about the verb ‘replenish’. ‘Re’ as a prefix indicates repetition, so ‘plenish’ should mean ‘to fill’, correct?

According to Google, yes. But it’s an ‘archaic’ verb, as in, not in common use any more. Sad, really.

Like the word ‘blare’. I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard the verb being used, except in past tense; ‘the driver blared his horn’, or as an adjective ‘the blaring trumpets only increased the pounding in his head’.

I love archaic words. I’d like, if I could, to be part of their reintroduction into common use…

Want to help me?

And have a great day, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn


Miss a day…

And then Monday flies past without my even noticing!


That’s life, I guess. You think it’s going to get a little easier, and then

You realise it never does.

Hope your week is more productive than mine is being, dear Reader ๐Ÿ™‚

– KRidwyn


And… we’re done!

It’s June 30. The 30 day #blogJune challenge has drawn to a close. And I’m still finding myself rather bemused by my #blogJune journey this year.

I posted back on the 16th of June how, for whatever strange reason, I wasn’t finding it overly traumatic, publishing a blogpost each day. On the contrary, this year’s #blogJune was the easiest yet! And considering I’m more busy now than I ever have been in previous years, I’m left scratching my head as to why this is.

It *may* have been because I haven’t written thematically this year. With that restriction gone, I think I found it easier just to blog about whatever I was thinking at the time. Yes, I realise that as a qualified librarian, the point of #blogJune is *probably* to post Library- related stuff… but again, that restriction would have been too much.

Whatever the reason, I’m happy. The challenge is now over, and I’ve published 30 posts in 30 days without too much drama.


And now, with July 1 just hours away, I’ll return my writing focus to JUSTINE BROWNING AND THE MEDDLING MERMAN, and return to my regular weekly blogpost.

See you Monday, and have a lovely life til then, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn



I received proof today.

Written evidence determining just how correct I have been in the opinion I’ve been holding; the fight I’ve been fighting, for what has felt like an eternity.

I shan’t be any more detailed than that, but suffice it to say, I’m happy.

I have been vindicated.

And I’m an emotional wreck right now. Exhausted, relieved,

And HAPPY!!!

Here’s hoping you had a win today too, dear Reader ๐Ÿ™‚

– KRidwyn


Just weird…

I tried to #blogJune earlier from my MacBook, but couldn’t even access the site. I got the impression that the server I host my site through is down.

So how then, am I able to post through the WordPress app on my phone?

Who knows! But if it works, I’m going to run with it!

Have a great day, dear Reader ๐Ÿ™‚

– KRidwyn


Day 2 of holidays

And I’m de-cluttering like crazy.

And loving it! 

And I’m enjoying my time at home, and with my family, and watching TV like there’s no tomorrow…

Although I’m also swaying between highly amused and highly disappointed with this ‘breaking into song’ episode of ‘Once Upon A Time’ Season 7 ๐Ÿ™

Have a great day, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn



It’s holidays.

I’m still sane. I think!

Happy about that one.

Now to eat the right kind of foods, at the right time. Oh, and sleep…

Have a great day, dear Reader!