It’s June 30. The 30 day #blogJune challenge has drawn to a close. And I’m still finding myself rather bemused by my #blogJune journey this year.
I posted back on the 16th of June how, for whatever strange reason, I wasn’t finding it overly traumatic, publishing a blogpost each day. On the contrary, this year’s #blogJune was the easiest yet! And considering I’m more busy now than I ever have been in previous years, I’m left scratching my head as to why this is.
It *may* have been because I haven’t written thematically this year. With that restriction gone, I think I found it easier just to blog about whatever I was thinking at the time. Yes, I realise that as a qualified librarian, the point of #blogJune is *probably* to post Library- related stuff… but again, that restriction would have been too much.
Whatever the reason, I’m happy. The challenge is now over, and I’ve published 30 posts in 30 days without too much drama.
And now, with July 1 just hours away, I’ll return my writing focus to JUSTINE BROWNING AND THE MEDDLING MERMAN, and return to my regular weekly blogpost.
See you Monday, and have a lovely life til then, dear Reader!
– KRidwyn