Random thoughts teaching

42/52 Recent funny stuff

I watched ‘The Union’ with Hubby yesterday. Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry. It had exactly the right amount of humour for an action flick, I thought.

And then last night Miss 16 and I watched the Season 6 Grimm episode ‘Blind Love’ and we laughed ourselves silly. It was SO good! (And teaching A Midsummer Night’s Dream to my Year 8 English last term made it all the more relevant…)

So today, I thought I’d share some screenshots I’ve taken from my social media feeds recently. Things I’d saved because they amuse me. Hopefully you’ll get a smile out of them too?

I’m thinking I could so use one of these walkers when the time comes! And:

Not I throw punches (very often) but the timing of this phrase is very clever! And thirdly: I wonder if I could make one of these for my next online video call:

So was I successful? Did you smile? And if so, at which one?

And just to round this post off: back to Shakespeare. This final screenshot is not so much ‘funny’ as ‘clever’ and ‘I want one’. Does it remind anyone else of the bard’s play Julius Caesar? Not that he made it into fighting stance before being cut down, but for some reason it reminds me of this, nonetheless…

Anyway, here’s hoping you can manage a smile sometime this week, dear Reader – and maybe even more than one?

God bless,




Life Random thoughts Review teaching Work

41/52 Huh! Catching up… and aliens because sure, why not…

So we *do* have a new government. And Miss 16 has completed three of her four external exams, with her final this coming Wednesday, and Master 15 has recovered from his very successful Work Experience week, and I’m marking the Year 10 English (real) exams, ready for them to start Year 11 work next week.


Oh, did I also mention I’m finishing four Halloween ‘inflatable alien’-but-without-the-inflatable-bit costumes for my year 1 Innovate class?

Long story.

“Innovate” is what my school calls the amalgamation of the two curriculae ‘Digital Technologies’ and ‘Design and Technologies’ and in 2025, it’s taught from Prep through to Year 10. And yours truly is the Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 teacher. The Year 1 class is studying ‘wearable costumes’ and – rather than just deisgning them – I thought it’d be fun to help the children actually *make* them.

The idea quickly paled though, when I was absent the lesson where the children decided on their costumes… and the relief teacher let some of them choose ‘inflatable aliens’. As in, this type:

Now, inflating a costume is something I’ve never done before. So that was never going to happen. Sewing though: I’m not great, but it’s do-able. So that’s what is currently happening. Four of them. And the kids are stuffing them with foam and adding eyes to the heads and enjoying the process.

Here’s hoping it’s all going to get done before this Thursday! Wish me luck!

  • KRidwyn
Life teaching Work

40/52 this time next week…

Who knows, but this time next week we could have a new State government. I must admit, I’ll be quite happy to see the signs gone from the roadsides, and to have my phone back from all the un-wanted texts from politicians and political groups and stakeholders who somehow got my number. Not to mention the phonecalls from those poor unfortunates who get hung up on when they call asking your opinion on the political scene!

The freedom from political advertising (until next year at least, when we do it all again but nation-wide) is going to be amazing. And the thought of this freedom is keeping me going in amongst all these Year 10 English mock exams I’m currently marking.

On the upside, the topic is Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away, so that’s pretty nice, you’ve gotta admit.

All the best with voting this coming week, dear Reader! (If you’re a Queenslander, that is…)

  • KRidwyn
family anecdotes momentous events

39/52 And a different milestone…

Last week I wrote about Miss 16 and her final term of High School. This week we shift to the youngest cherub in my household: Master 15 and the fact he’s not at school next week.

He’s at Work Experience.

This has been a ‘thing’ in Queensland schools for as long as I can remember. During Year 10, the kids all take a week off school and head to a place of business for a week.

Back in 1989 when I was in Year 10 (wow, that even SOUNDS like a century ago; it doesn’t just feel it!) I spent the week with my Violin Teacher. We travelled in her car to all the schools she taught strings at, and I met all her students and helped teach them violin. Considering I’d been teaching my own violin students for over a year by that stage, Work Experience wasn’t as daunting a week as it could have been.

Fast forward to this century though, and my own cherubs. in 2020, Miss 19 was set to spend the week at a Bird Sanctuary… but then Covid put paid to that idea. In 2022, Miss 16 spent the week scanning books in my Library. And Master 15? He’ll spend the coming week at the local Neighbours’ Aid Community Stores, learning how to sort and price and all things Op Shop.

I’m super-hoping that it goes well! If you can, spare a thought and a prayer for us!

And have an amazing week yourself, dear Reader 🙂

  • KRidwyn
family anecdotes Life momentous events

38/52 The final stretch…

It’s been a what feels like a marathan-and-a-half, but my Miss 16 has finally entered her last term of High School. It’s crazy to think that in just a few short weeks she’ll be sitting her final exams, and then graduating!

It’s been a LOOOONG time coming (well, seeing as she skipped Year 4 it’s actually been fewer years than what it would normally have been) but I’m thinking that the emotional rollercoaster that has been the last four years might be coming to an end.

Don’t get me wrong – it’s been a wild ride and I wouldn’t have exchanged it for the world. We’re in a good place now, and I’m super-enjoying Bingeing Grimm with her (we’re getting through the seasons faster than I thought we would, but she’s enjoying the series and I’m enjoying rewatching them) so this is a beautiful thing.

But the end of her ‘schooling’ chapter is hurtling towards us and who knows what’s on the other side? (Well, God does, but no-one living here on His good green Earth does, that I’m aware of) so I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in the next chapter. We just need to get through this term, and exams, and graduation first!

Bring on November 15, is all I can say 🙂

Have a wonderful term yourself, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn
family anecdotes places to visit Reading Review

37/52 On family holidays

The last time I holidayed with Hubby and all three of my children was pre-Covid. September 2019. My eldest was in Year 9; she’s now just 3 months away from turning 20.

But a family holiday on K’gari is what we’ve all just enjoyed over this past week. And it was amazing! The memories. Seeing my Miss19 repeating “I remember this” and “This has changed so much”… and now sharing the driving load! Wild.

Leaving Kiya at Mum’s though… that was hard. She didn’t look happy to see us drive off 🙁

And it was pretty great to be able to catch up on some reading. I particularly liked this little gem of wisdom:

The bit about tortuous Latin lessons showing how questions anticipate answers: one way to ask anticipates a ‘yes’ and the other anticipates a ‘no’. This was quite interesting, I thought! (The book less so, all things being equal…)

Well, that’s it from me for the week. I hope it was a wonderful one for you as well, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn
Random thoughts teaching Work

36/52 On what affects our reputation the most

What we do is who we are, I think.

I teach school students… but I am not just a teacher. In my hours spent not in front of my students or with my colleagues, or planning or assessing, in my hours interacting with family and friends, who am I?

I am the person who thinks a certain way, who values particular things, and from these thoughts and beliefs, makes decisions and acts (or refrains from acting) on and in the world around me.

What I do reflects what I value; what I think.

The thinking comes first.

I think, therefore I am.

Our thoughts are pre-eminent. And yet: how often do we acknowledge them? When they are so influential on what we do and who we’ll become in the future?

I saw this the other day, and it’s left me quite reflective:

Here’s hoping my thoughts on the matter (Ha! See what I did there?) are of some value to you today, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn

#Springinyourstep momentous events teaching

35/52 Made it!

I wasn’t sure if I could… but Praise God who sustained me to reach this (school holiday) season!!!

Have a wonderful week, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

teaching Technology

34/52 Snowed under

This post (or lack thereof, to tell the truth) is being brought to you by my marking load, which is currently threatening to overwhelm me 🙁

Reporting is due tomorrow.

Sigh. Who’d be an English teacher, huh? Lol

See you next week, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

Life momentous events places to visit

33/52 Sunrise beach walk on the first day of Spring

Happy New (seasonal) Year, dear Reader!

I hope today and the rest of the year, right through to the last day of Winter, 2025, are wonderful for you!

– KRidwyn