#blogjune Life places to visit

#BlogJune Day 22

Today was meant to be a shopping morning, followed by a party tonight.

But Miss16 decided that shopping could wait for another day, so it was ‘just relax at home’ before party instead.

De-cluttering happened. Organising happened. Numbers of Gilmore Girls episodes happened, and now I’m with Kiya in her favourite spot. And I have to agree with her, it’s one of my favourite spots too.

Here’s wishing a relaxing day for you too, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

places to visit

12/52 On what to do about gray…

It’s been raining the past few days. Gray. Miserable. Miss16 caught a chill, as you do, so is sniffling around the house. It’s cool, but not yet cold enough that the mosquitoes have disappeared, and the drizzle helps increase their numbers so any venturing outside is fraught with risk. It’s dull weather. Gray. Uninspiring.

And then I saw this:

And it immediately sparked a smile. What a brilliant idea this was! The person who came up with this, didn’t get paid enough. I mean, how amazing would it be, to be surrounded by gray and misery, where everything around you is dull and wet and uncomfortable, and your head is down because you’re huddling under an umbrella or raincoat… and then, to see such fantastic colourful scenery! It’d be enough for me to change my daily walk to and from work, just to see it, I think!

Even the thought of its being there, brightening up the rain-soaked streets in South Korea, is enough to make me smile over here in rain-soaked Queensland.

Have a bright, non-gray week yourself, dear Reader 🙂

  • KRidwyn


#blogjune places to visit Reading teaching Technology Work Writing

#blogJune day11

One thing I’ve noticed about me recently- my eyesight is SHOCKING! I think I’ve just been doing so much staring at computer screens, I’ve done irreversible damage. Which is sad.

On the up-side, these glasses I bought at Rainbow Beach a few years ago might look a little strange (I think the orange-and-blue colour scheme screams ‘$15 chemist-bought reading glasses) but they’re SO easy to read with and they don’t cause headaches 🙂

Plus, I really rather like the colour orange!

Have a blessed day yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

places to visit


Happiness! Breakfast and this view 🙂

What a blessed way to finish blogging for 2020, am I right?

See you in the New Year, dear Reader. And may God shower you with His richest blessings today 😀

– KRidwyn

Blogging challenges places to visit


I’m rather proud of myself – that title up there tells me I’ve almost made it! A years’ worth of ‘photo’ posts… for someone who HATES posting the photos she takes, this is a pretty good achievement, even if I do say so myself.

So this week’s photo was the surf at Rainbow Beach – where the family and I stayed last week. So beautiful, so peaceful, so needed (after the tumult that was the 2019 academic year!) and just wonderful.

How about you, dear Reader? What was ‘wondrous’ in your life this week?

– KRidwyn


[Update: now with photo! Whoops!]

places to visit Random thoughts


And… I’m back into my routine again!

Oh routine, how I love you!

How about you, dear Reader? Any routines you miss when they’re absent?

– KRidwyn

places to visit


Holiday perfect views. And boy, were they needed!

I hope you’re also able to receive what you need this week, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

places to visit


Last week’s photo showed one of my favourite places: this week’s is another. Kings Beach has a outdoor community swimming pool, built next to natural rock pools my cherubs love to explore.

This was Miss10 and Master9 the other week:

And check out the crowd on the beach behind them! It was a sweltering day – that photo was taken around 10am.

Have a great week, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn

Life places to visit teaching Work

Done and dusted.

Phew! What a term! Glad it’s over.

and I’m ecstatic that this just so happens to be my view right now…

[and it’s only just now I remembered I hadn’t posted the photo yet… whoops!]

Have a wonderful week yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

Life places to visit teaching Work

[This post is a cheat]

Well – kinda.

It’s still me writing, at my desk, putting words onto the little white rectangle on the computer screen in front of me.

But it’s not Monday morning, the 17th of September, 9am.

It’s last week (well, it will be last week, by the time you read this – and I know that this sentence isn’t grammatically correct from when I write this, but it’ll make sense when you read this later… I hope!) and yes, there *is* indeed a very valid reason for this cheating post, which I’ve written and scheduled ahead of time.

I’m in Canberra right now. Or Sydney. Or en route to one of those places. At this point in the planning of the event (because it hasn’t happened yet) I’m still a little fuzzy on the details.

But Hubby is at home with Miss10 and Master9 and my mum, keeping the house fire burning (although maybe not, because the weather’s starting to warm up nicely and it might be too hot by the time this post is published, to need a nightly fire) because Miss13 and I are with sixty-nine other 12- and 13-year olds, enjoying (ha! hopefully ‘surviving’, at least) a week-long camp to our nation’s capital and other ‘worthwhile to visit for educational purposes’ places.

Hence the need to post ahead of time. I have absolutely no idea where I’ll be at 9am on Monday 17th September, but I *do* know that multiple kids will be there. All with pre-teen and early-teen needs, which is to say MULTITUDES!

Sigh. I’m tired now, even just thinking about it. And I haven’t even started packing yet.

So. That’s what my week’s going to be like. How about you?

– KRidwyn