

My boy doesn’t talk much. He’s getting better, and growing in confidence daily, but compared to any other “normal” gone-three-and-a-half-year-old, he’s pretty much non-verbal. He’s quiet, and when he *does* try to talk, it’s difficult to work out what he’s saying, either because of volume if he’s unsure, or because what he says is mostly unintelligible due to his lack of articulation. We’re working on it in weekly Speech Therapy, and it’s improving no end, but it’s still mostly guesswork based on context with him. It’s one of the more-obvious autistic characteristics he has.

Which is why my whole world stopped yesterday afternoon. It was just gone 4.30pm and I’d finally sat down after a brilliant five straight hours of Bloxham Marketing work with two amazing friends, followed by another couple of hours of intense garden work (and I live on an acreage, so before you start to laugh – to me, gardening involves taking out saplings and digging up tree stumps) and so sitting down, with my phone, and finally checking twitter for the day, was a good moment.

So I’d sent a few tweets and was in a conversation with @fionawb re her lack of communication while in the Emergency Department at Caboolture Hospital, and Miss 4 and Mr 3 were riding their bikes, when it happened. It was one of those “Did that *really* just happen??” moments, when suddenly your concept of your own daily existence smashes hard up against something completely unexpected, rocks your world, and leaves you shaking your head and questioning everything that you previously knew.

Mr 3, down on the driveway and a good 5 metres away, had been riding his tricycle. But he had stopped, faced me, and said with an audible voice from that distance away, “Mummy, I love you.”

My jaw hit the ground. I stopped breathing, and my heart skipped at least a couple of beats, I swear. I just stared at him, tears in my eyes, absolutely incredulous. My son, my boy who is only now, finally, learning to talk, told me he loved me! And said it intelligibly! Just sooooooooooo amazing and incredible and wonderful and precious.

And what was even better? Last night, when I was putting him to bed, he interspersed our usual giggles and cuddles and kisses and tickles with some more “I love you, Mummy” practising. It was an unbelievably gorgeous way to end the day!

So – just a little something that I wanted to share with you, dear readers. Here’s hoping that your day today has precious moments in it, too!

family anecdotes


It feels like ages since I blogged about Miss 4. She’s my little TV addict. Hubby used to worry about how much time she spent in front of the screen, but I assured him that it was less than he thought. She would just like to watch ABC2  (a kids’ TV channel) in the early evenings, so he would come home from work, see her in front of the idiot box, and assume that she’d been there all day. Which she hadn’t.
Plus, from what I remember of what I learned, way back when Miss 7 was a baby and I was going to a Mother’s group, the main concern with too much TV watching in kids was that they don’t develop their vocabulary as quickly as non-TV watching kids. Apparently it’s something like 6 words fewer that they learn, per every hour of TV. But that was never going to be a problem with her. She could talk the hind leg off a donkey before she was 2 and a half!
So she was always able to balance out her TV watching with talking, and drawing, coloring in, trying to write, and so on. And she, like her older sister, seems to be developing an amazing memory – for images, at least!
Just the other day, she asked me if she could watch a particular TV show. But she couldn’t really remember the name of it. So she drew the picture (below) then tried describing it, and what she remembered.

  • It is on ABC2
  • The main character (on the left) is ‘Bernie’
  • He is happy
  • His friend is angry a lot

I still couldn’t guess, so I delved further.

  • Bernie is on two shows, she only wants to watch one of them
  • In the show she’d seen, he was playing with a baby (this didn’t help very much!)
  • One of the shows he is in, is Sesame Street
  • She doesn’t want to watch Sesame Street, she wants to watch the other show.

And then the penny dropped. And I looked closer at her drawing and was very impressed… Miss 4 hadn’t watched the show in literally months, yet she had remembered the huge smile on her favourite character, the stripes on his shirt and his bigger, frizzy hair. She’d also remembered the unhappy look of the other character, his plain shirt and his shorter, sticky-up hair. And drawn them both really, very accurately, all things considered!
So… can you guess the show too?


Bloxham Marketing GoodOldTalk momentous events University studies Work

Hasn’t sunk in

What the opposite to sinking? Floating, right? But if I titled this blog post ‘floating’, that would be rather misleading, I think…

A few weeks ago, I posted about my Masters studies this semester. I was due to complete an elective (the only option available to me if I was going to study this semester) and had discovered the course “INS040 Advanced Standing”. Where you could apply for your Workplace experiences to be recognized towards your degree. So after chatting with both the Course Coordinator and the Head of the Faculty, I finished and submitted my application just a few weeks back. 7000 words (well, they had said 3000 words or more, and you would know me by now, dear readers,
I can tend to be rather long-winded!!!) and then I sat back and waited. (And yes, that’s an expression only. As if I would ever sit down; I’m far too busy for that!!!)

Last week, I received an email from the Head of Faculty. My application had been approved!!! But it’s been a week, and it still hasn’t sunk in. I guess, in a way, the idea of ‘floating’ is, strangely, appropriate. When I think of where I’m at in my studies solar, I *do* feel as though I’m ‘floating on air’!!!

family anecdotes random scribblings Random thoughts Scribblings

A poem

A child is screaming.

Slowly, her awareness surfaces. Slowly, as if emerging after being released from a pit of quicksand.
Her body feels too heavy to move.
Awake now, she debates the child’s need. Deciding that the cries are too insistent to subside with the passage of time, she rises, following the well worn path to the child’s room.
“Mummy, I nilk!” Is the immediate demand upon his door being opened.
She pushes aside thoughts of retaliatory remarks and leads the child by the hand through the dark, sleepy house. In the kitchen, milk is poured, quaffed, and a little mouth wiped clean. A little hand in her hand leads the way back to the child’s room.
All is dark. The muted whirr of dishes being cleaned by machine again fills the house.
Abed, the child snuggles soft toys. The door closes. Peace descends as she heads back to her pillow.
The house is sleepy. She waits, patiently, for sleep to reclaim her, too. Waits. Waits…

A child screams, loudly.

Her day begins.

Blogging challenges momentous events Technology

Being held hostage…

I try to blog three times a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, Queensland time. But this morning as I was eating my cereal, and playing with the WordPress app that I’d just updated on my iPhone, I almost choked.

Deactivated? ME???!!!!! OMG – seriously?!!!!!! What did *I* do?!!!!! Was my #balltime blog post too offensive? (okay I admit – a little bit of toilet seat was showing underneath that frog!) or is WordPress getting like Facebook Business Pages and preferring text-based updates only, and I’m using too many photos? Maybe it’s that I started my last blog post with the words “I love my blog” – maybe there’s just too much self-promotion, opinionising – maybe too much ‘parenting’ stuff on what I often think of as ‘my mummy blog’?!!!!

So the story I was going to share this morning went, in condensed version, onto my personal Facebook page instead. Pity… but what else could I do? And I emailed almost immediately with a ‘Huh?!!! Please explain!!!’ and then waited with bated breath, thinking all things nasty towards

This afternoon I received a reply.

So. The deactivation of my blog was done by “automated spam controls”. Great. And here am I, deleting spam comments off my blog whenever they appear. So I’ve emailed again. With a ‘what the?!!’ (And you gotta love the ‘Happiness Engineer’, doncha?!!!)

I’ll let you know the outcome! And in the meantime, I’ve gone ahead and bought the domain name – just in case I need to move the site away from before it happens again without warning…!

Thanks for your support, dear readers! As I said Monday – you guys are the best!!! 😀

Blogging challenges Random thoughts Technology

On blogging…

I love my blog. I love the fact that I can write on absolutely any topic that I like, put the words in any random order, and maybe someone somewhere will read it. That it comes from my little corner of this vast world of ours, and my dear readers are in places that I’ve never been before – some places that I’ve never even *heard* of, most probably!

Now I don’t know about you, but I reckon that that is just SO incredibly awesome and amazing and mind-blowingly *insane*!!!

So I go about my daily business, and blog about stuff that’s happening in my life, or random thoughts I’m having (like this one) or maybe even write a few lines of fiction and pass it off as a ‘scribbling’ which may or may not one day ever end up as possibly some kind of coherent piece of writing – but mostly, I just love the fact that I can write. And have an audience. You, dear readers, are absolutely inspirational for me.

Thank you. Truly, thank you! My wish for you today – whatever day you happen to be reading this on – is that the rest of your day is an amazing one, full of light, laughter, and a sense of purpose and peace.

You guys rock!

momentous events Random thoughts

Press Here

I stumbled across the most amazing children’s picture book I have ever seen, at Beerwah Library recently.

It’s called “Press Here” and it’s by Herve Tullet. Published in 2010.

Seriously – you will be as amazed as I was, I have no doubt. So go! Get / borrow / steal a copy of this book, and read it. Now!

(And for my LIS friends – you will actually *want* to read the non-eVersion of this one… trust me!)

Image courtesy


Big day today

Wednesday’s tend to be shockers. At least, that’s what I’m starting to realise. It’s a race to get everything done that needs to be done, because generally I find that all 5 of us in the house need to go in five different directions, and generally all at (or around) the same time. Keeping it all together in my head is nigh-on impossible!

But today is slightly different. Today, Mr 3 canNOT go to Beerwah’s ECDP because today is Prep Orientation Day for Miss 4.

Here’s hoping it’s a good one!

family anecdotes Random thoughts Technology University studies

Vive la #PLN!

Yesterday I met more of my PLN – hooray!!! I had met @fionawb a couple of weeks ago, and she had graciously invited me to her birthday party – so I cajoled Hubby into meeting new people (he’s spent the last four weeks in a CPA-exam induced cocoon, only emerging on Thursday, and to be honest, prefers the hermit life to the social butterfly one), dragged the kids with us, and drove down to Brisbane.

I must admit, it’s rather strange meeting people in real life that you’ve already gotten to know a little via social media. Even Fi surprised me with her “Shall I introduce people by names? Or with their twitter handles?” question – but I have a feeling that that question is one that gets asked more and more, now that social media is becoming so prevalent throughout all cultures, all societies, even all age groups! But it was *so* good to just fall quite easily into conversation with @rachwray (and of course, have some cuddles with #babywray!) and @jzgarnett – it feels a little like you’re ‘starting’ a friendship kind of half-way in! But it’s great. The ‘ice’ is already broken, so to speak!

So yes, yesterday was a good day. Apart from my three cherubs terrorising #twoboycats and wanting to eat all of Fi’s chocolates, I was immensely happy to have connected IRL with people who inspire me in the twitterverse.

Thanks for a great day, my friends! And thanks SO much Fi for inviting me!

Bloxham Marketing Work

Back of a bus…

Check this out – what a COOL ad is this, hey?!! Congrats to Tony Wilson and the QUT marketing team for this one!