It’s the beginning of a New Year. An auspicious time to make new resolutions and new commitments; to gently blow the burgeoning flame of new hopes until they become habits… well, that’s the general idea, anyway.
This time of year also reminds me of the time I started blogging.
December 25, 2010.
It was for a blogging challenge started by @FiFYI -#blog12daysxmas – and I’d thought, “Well, why not?!”
And that was that.
Day 1. I’d decided to be literal and write a post a day on the Christmas carol ‘The 12 days of Christmas’.
Day 2. Two turtle doves and questions of ‘devotion’…
Day 3. And I’m stumped as to why we have mundane hens on the list. French ones, at that.
Day 4. My humble thoughts on the differences between blackbirds and crows, and how many blackbirds might comfortably fit into a pie…
Day 5. And I bet you thought that the ‘five gold rings’ meant jewellery, didn’t you!
Day 6. Six geese a-laying. That’s a lot of eggs between now and the end of the song. And a lot of ankle-biting, too!
Day 7. Swimming swans are given by the True Love to the singer… and several hundred years later, the family and I escape floodwaters and arrive home to relish the feeling of dry clothes and mud-free sheets š
Day 8. The singer is given eight maids a-milking, and IĀ ruminate on what it is that defines a person.
Day 9. Nine ladies dancing – and a quick tally of what the singer now has at her house. It’s getting crowded in there!
Day 10, and I’m in awe of the sheer organisational ability of this ‘True Love’. Honestly, it’s incredible!
Day 11. In which bagpipes enter the cacophony, and I speculate on what the ‘True Love’ may actually have been devoted to… and
Day 12. The inevitable conclusion to the challenge; and one in which I find my opinions of the carol quite at variance to what I thought I would be thinking!
I always find it fun, going back and re-reading stuff I’d written years before. Remembering what it was like: Hubby and I stranded in our caravan at 1770 with three very young ones, no bread, little milk, and no spare petrol, in the middle of the craziest floods so far this century. Remembering how my opinions of the song changed dramatically, but my desire to blog, and my love for writing, deepened.
Well, that was a look back. Now it’s January 2nd, 2017, and it’s time to look ahead. Here’s hoping that the coming week is a brilliant one, for you and me both, dear reader!