#blog12daysxmas Random thoughts

Two turtle doves…

Okay, so I feel less guilty today. At least I checked Wikipedia for this one! (And yes, I was right in my assumptions yesterday about those partridges.) So, for those of you who didn’t know, turtle doves are the symbol for devoted love. (Aww.)

Pretty apt, when you think about the fact that we’re in the Christmas season. God sending His son to the world as a tiny baby, completely helpless in a soiled and sordid world. Now if that’s not love, I’m not sure what is. Becoming a mum recently enough to remember that feeling of utter incredulity at how helpless my own newborns were, I continually find it amazing that any parent could send their child into such a situation. Especially when already aware of the ending! But He did – and I for one am glad. But back to the song…

Today marks the second day of Christmas. The day the ‘true love’ gives ‘two turtle doves’ – birds known for their love and devotion. By the end of the song, the singer gets 22 of these doves. Eleven pairs. I guess the ‘true love’ really wanted to make sure his message was clear!

It makes me wonder though. What, in my life, am I that devoted to? Hmmm…

Thought to ponder for the day. So. ‘Til tomorrow, Merry Christmas, dear readers!