
Sad face

For the record, this is my second post for this morning. I wrote a lovely, long piece, about the joys of Miss 8’s nosebleed, at 4:23 AM. Unfortunately, my iPhone decided to eat it. Hence, this post, showing my sad face.

oh well. Perhaps you wouldn’t have wanted to hear about my night time Dr duties anyway…


The getting of wisdom – #blogJune post 8

Today is the 19th of June. That means that I’m 39 years and 12 days old. Which means that it’s about time, according to my body, to cut a tooth.

Yup. My upper right wisdom tooth is starting to make an appearance.

I must admit, it feels pretty weird! To feel, in my own mouth, what I could feel in my kids’ mouths just a couple of years ago! (Well, for Mr 4, that is. For Miss 8, it was a bit longer…!)

Hubby suggests removal. His wisdom teeth came through sideways, and took the chair, the lovely strawberry-smelling gas, and (from memory) well into thousands to dollars. I propose that this one not take the same.

Actually, all I can think of (besides the obvious ‘really?? I’m wise *now*???!!!’ line) is what I heard about Bonjela (the toothache rub) a few years back – almost as Mr 4 had finished teething. It was one of those Current Affairs programs that I generally avoid, and they were airing an expose (and right now I’m searching my keyboard for that little flicky thing that goes over that last e in ‘expose’, but I can’t find it, so sorry guys! I’m saying it in my head! but back to the story now…) on Bonjela. They discovered that if you rub Bonjela onto the sore gums of teething infants, many decades later, some of them will get cancer. Yeh. Uh huh. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t watch those shows.

But what amused me was their suggestion. As in, to only use Bonjela teething gel on people over the age of 15.

“Really?!! How many 15 year olds get teething problems and need Bonjela?” I thought, my usual sarcastic self.

Well, remove foot from mouth, girl. I guess it *is* possible to cut a tooth after the age of 15. Me included. Although it’s taken me a heck of a lot longer than just at 15. And I’m probably going to manage without Bonjela, thank you very much. It’s not painful, it’s just an unusual feeling. And I think that perhaps I don’t really want cancer. 🙂

Have a great day, dear reader!


Bach played – #blogJune post 7

Quite well, actually, all things considered. Having the piano under us was good, too – giving us that stability and confidence that a third performer can give. A little like how you can sit on a three legged stool much better than on a two-legged one!

So. Showcase over; with handfuls of compliments from children, parents, and staff alike. And it’s all downhill from here: three teaching days left, followed by parent-teacher interviews; then cherubs at home for tw weeks. Yay! Cos I’m exhausted.

Have a great day, dear reader!


playing Bach

Many many moons ago, my younger brother and I learned Violin. We studiously sat our AMEB exams (I stopped after Grade 7; he stopped a little earlier, from memory) and, as our teacher would have it, played duets from time to time. One of our favourites was the ‘Bach Double’, as it’s commonly known – a concerto, in three movements, written by Johann Sebastian Bach even many more moons ago, featuring two violins and the Baroque orchestra.

Unfortunately, seeing as said younger brother resides in London, we haven’t played violin together for quite some time. And the last time I played the Bach Double, would have been when we were both living at home together, well over 20 years ago.

Fast forward to tonight. It’s the “Semester One Instrumental Showcase Evening” for my school – and I thought I’d challenge myself and perform it. I’ve roped the Strings teacher in to play it with me, and found a version that’s accompanied by piano, which I’ve organised the Piano teacher to play. The strings teacher and I have managed to squeeze in some practise time, but we’re HOPING that we can get together with our pianist at around 5 this afternoon, before children start arriving at 5.30!

So, around 7-ish tonight, we’ll be up on stage, playing our little hearts out. Wish us luck!

— C



I am sore. Very, very sore.

Muscles, long forgotten, are vigorously protesting their being forced out of lengthy and happy retirement. It would seem as though the unplanting and replanting yesterday took its toll – particularly on my upper back; concerningly so on my left shoulder.

This does not bode particularly well for tomorrow evening’s Bach Double…

#blogjune Life

Muddy feet

Well today so far has been entirely unexpected. My computer ran out of battery about a minute after I hit ‘publish’ this morning, and I set it to charge – and around the same time my three cherubs appeared out of their rooms. Breakfast ensued – and just as Mr 4 was lamenting the finishing of the WeetBix, Hubby announced “the men with the tractor are here”.

“Oh crap,” was my first thought. “There goes my day.”

You see, we’d organised for these two men, with their tractor, to come back one weekend, to finish the job of clearing our fence line that they had started a few weeks ago. And although we’d tentatively mentioned this weekend, we had both assumed that due to the torrential rain earlier in the week, and the fact that our block generally takes a good two weeks to drain, that they would not bother.

Not so. Cue frenzied change out of pyjamas, hurried instructions to Miss 8 (she’s an awesome babysitter – especially with ABC2, Playstation2 and Wii available) and even more frenzied un-planting. Yes, another made-up word, to describe the removal of plants previously planted, so that they’re not destroyed by the large machinery tearing up stuff around them. And even though I had *planned* to have everything unplanted by this morning, due to Prep Building Opening reherarsals, Public holidays and Pupil free days, Bank appointments and other general stumbling blocks to my gardening plans, there were a good couple of hundred plants that I wanted to save.

So. It’s now 4.50pm. I’m sitting down for the first time since blogging this morning – and I haven’t yet started on that poster build that I had hoped to finish by midday. Sigh.

Oh – and you should see the block! If it was muddy before, a HEAVY machine rolling all over it for 6 odd hours certainly hasn’t helped! This shot of my feet shows the mud that came *through* my sneakers today!

The fenceline looks good though. Yay.

And I’m guessing that I might get another good night’s sleep tonight…  LOL




Six hours uninterrupted sleep!!! Not sure the last time *that* happened – maybe a week ago? A fortnight maybe? When I’m this sleep-deprived, keeping track of ‘when things happened’ gets really really fuzzy. I’ll be talking to someone about something which happened about a month ago, and then realise that it was only last week, that kinda thing. A bit embarrassing, really!

But six hours sleep? In a row?! Yup – pretty darn STOKIFIED about *that* one!!! (Maybe it’s only when I’m happy that I make up new words? Hmmm… not sure… again!)

So. I’m feeling alive. Ready to start the day. Ready to get stuff done.

It’s Saturday. 5.24am. The house is quiet – Hubby and three cherubs still asleep. So I’m going to go build a poster for a client, because it’s due at the printers’ inbox before 9am Monday.



What a day!

Last night was a shocker. Between Miss 5 and Mr 4, I was up at 10pm, midnight, 2am, 4am, and 5.30.

At least, I thought to myself, I wasn’t “working” today. haha.

It’s 10.06pm and I’m just getting to the stuff I had planned for 6am.

Oh well.

Isn’t it great that tomorrow’s another day?

See you then!

— C

#blogjune Random thoughts

Baby steps

It’s June 13. I’m 13 days late in starting my #blogJune for this year. I feel pretty crap about that, actually.

And I could make every excuse under the sun, too (well, probably not EVERY excuse, but quite a few of them!)

– I’m not happy with this new blog

– It doesn’t look how I want it to – AT all!

– It’s on a mega-old version of WordPress and I don’t have the time to update it

– Getting it to look & work how I want it to, seems too overwhelming a task

– It’s Day 13 and that means almost 2 weeks worth of ‘catching up’ to do – something I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do – successfully, meaningfully, un-superficially…ly (yeh, I know, I just made up a word. whoops. I know what I meant, okay?)

– I absolutely HATE doing anything half-heartedly. (okay, another ‘ly’ word, but I think that this one is okay) And so, when I think about #blogJune, I want my 30 days worth of posts to be meaningful. To be thoughtfully considered prior to my clicking ‘publish’. To be worthy of being read. To make sense – to the outside world, as well as to my adled brain! And I’m pretty darn sure that these posts are not going to be any of that!

So, I guess I have a choice to make. Number 1. Don’t blog until the stuff I write is the standard that I’m happy with, and the blog is also what I want it to look like. Been doing that for the last 13 days and I’m not feeling particularly happy about it. At all. Number 2. Write stuff anyway. Click ‘Publish’. and then smile and learn to BE OKAY with the fact that I’ve put a blog post ‘out there’ which I know wasn’t exactly what I had wanted it to be.

Did I tell you that I spent three months with a Psych Nurse once? Weekly, then fortnightly sessions, immediately after Miss 5 was born, to get me through Post-Natal depression. She told me to think this way: “It’s not a *lowering* of your expectations for yourself, it’s making those expectations *realistic*. Sigh. I guess I need to apply that kinda thinking to this blog, too.

So. For me, June 13 is the beginning of my 2013 #BlogJune journey. Sorry, all my fellow #blogJuners, for being so slack in starting – I hope I am not offending anyone by starting so late! Please don’t feel as though my being so frickin’ tardy is in any way a reflection on the brilliant concept that is #blogJune – this is my third time, and although I doubt that now I’ll get 30 blog posts in, I’m determined to at least submit *something*! Even if it’s just so that, when I look in the mirror, it’s one less thing that I’ve told myself that I’m going to do, and have *not* failed at, disappointed myself yada yada yada – Wow! That’s depressing writing! Let’s move on…!

Last year I spent the 30 days writing about my son. This year, it’ll be me, I think. I need to get my brain clutter out onto the screen. So – if you’re still interested after reading the waffle that was the paragraphs above, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, dear reader!

Have a lovely day too, by the way. 🙂

— Ceridwyn