
playing Bach

Many many moons ago, my younger brother and I learned Violin. We studiously sat our AMEB exams (I stopped after Grade 7; he stopped a little earlier, from memory) and, as our teacher would have it, played duets from time to time. One of our favourites was the ‘Bach Double’, as it’s commonly known – a concerto, in three movements, written by Johann Sebastian Bach even many more moons ago, featuring two violins and the Baroque orchestra.

Unfortunately, seeing as said younger brother resides in London, we haven’t played violin together for quite some time. And the last time I played the Bach Double, would have been when we were both living at home together, well over 20 years ago.

Fast forward to tonight. It’s the “Semester One Instrumental Showcase Evening” for my school – and I thought I’d challenge myself and perform it. I’ve roped the Strings teacher in to play it with me, and found a version that’s accompanied by piano, which I’ve organised the Piano teacher to play. The strings teacher and I have managed to squeeze in some practise time, but we’re HOPING that we can get together with our pianist at around 5 this afternoon, before children start arriving at 5.30!

So, around 7-ish tonight, we’ll be up on stage, playing our little hearts out. Wish us luck!

— C