
#blogJune day 5

It’s started getting cold here, and regular Readers of this blog may remember I don’t do well in the cold. My athsma plays up: less sunlight equaling less vitamin D equaling a weaker immune system, I guess.

This year, however, I’ve been more healthy than usual. And I put a large part of that down to Hubby. He has a bit of a citrus obsession, you see.

Every Saturday morning he heads to the local fruit market and stocks up on our fruit and veg for the coming week… and citrus forms quite a significant portion of that purchase. He then juices said citrus each morning: about 1.5L for him and 300ml for me. (Yes, he likes his juice!)

It started with just oranges. Then he started adding lemon, and grapefruit on occasion. And I would raise an eyebrow at the cost of it all.

Eyebrow raise no longer. Check out this year’s addition: homegrown!

And they’re beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s wishing you a fruitful day too, dear Reader – and a safe one, as well.

– KRidwyn

Blogging challenges places to visit


I’m rather proud of myself – that title up there tells me I’ve almost made it! A years’ worth of ‘photo’ posts… for someone who HATES posting the photos she takes, this is a pretty good achievement, even if I do say so myself.

So this week’s photo was the surf at Rainbow Beach – where the family and I stayed last week. So beautiful, so peaceful, so needed (after the tumult that was the 2019 academic year!) and just wonderful.

How about you, dear Reader? What was ‘wondrous’ in your life this week?

– KRidwyn


[Update: now with photo! Whoops!]

family anecdotes momentous events


Miss14 graduated Middle School last week. Her Graduation Dinner was a truly enjoyable occasion, honouring the efforts and achievements of the young men and women who had made this milestone in their journeys.

She wore her first ‘formal dress’ with high heels, and was wearing jewellery and perfume.

It was a beautiful evening! I laughed, I choked up, but mostly I was proud of the young lady God had given to Hubby and me to raise.

What a memorable event. I trust your own week is just as memorable, dear Reader ๐Ÿ™‚

– KRidwyn

family anecdotes


Miss11 returned from a recent school excursion to Chinatown, proud of her ability to use chopsticks.

A few days later while eating Chinese takeaway, Mr10 was also determined to join in the fun with his own meal. It consisted (mostly) of prawn chips though… and he wasn’t about to be defeated by them!

Have an inventive week yourself, dear Reader ๐Ÿ™‚

– KRidwyn

family anecdotes Random thoughts


Guess what Hubby took the kidlets and me to the other week? Archery!

Not too far from us, thereโ€™s a guy who runs an archery store, with a 6-lane indoor range inside it.

We had a ball! I stuck with a recurve bow, as did Miss11 (pictured) but Hubby convinced Miss14 and Master10 to try compound bows. And oh boy – they look so complex! (And so dangerous too…) so I was happy to use my traditional bow, despite pressure from Hubby and two cherubs.

And Miss11 and I didnโ€™t do too badly, either.

Hereโ€™s wishing you a focus-filled week, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

places to visit


Holiday perfect views. And boy, were they needed!

I hope you’re also able to receive what you need this week, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

Life Random thoughts teaching Work

Out the window…

Holidays! A time of refreshing and renewal. A break from routine (and yeh, I needed *that* one like a kick in the head) and a needed period of not-regular-activity so that time with family and friends can happen.

Some routines should never be broken though. Eating and sleeping, hygiene, etc, these must all be maintained at some kind of a minimal standard. I think pretty much everyone would agree with me there. Sure, the work – school routines can go ‘out the window’ for holidays, but I wonder what other ‘important stuff’ we let slip without meaning to, or even realising.

I remember when I was a girl, reading ‘Little Women’ by Louisa May Alcott. The four daughters decided to take a break from their routines for a week, and see what would happen. Laziness, slothfulness, uncleanliness, and arguments resulted. By the end of the week, all four were keen to get back into their normal routine.

But the lesson wasn’t over. Day 1 of routine again, and the discovery was made that their pet bird had died. No food or water for a week had killed it. Tragedy had resulted because some things had been let go, which should never have been.

Relationships fall into this category. Does that mean that relationships are just routines? Like the apostle Paul I rush to say, “Perish the thought!” But that doesn’t mean that we can’t, out of necessity and convenience, consider them routines for the sake of this example. Because when these get neglected, tragedy strikes. They die.

So. These holidays, I have resolved to relax the ‘work’ standards and improve the ‘relationship’ ones. Let’s see how well I do…

And have a great week, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

Life Random thoughts

On sleep…

So I’ve been a self-diagnosed insomniac for years now. And I’ve kinda always prided myself on what I’ve been able to accomplish on minimal unconscious time.

But I’m coming to the realisation that these days I can do less and less.

And that saddens me.

Time was, I could go to bed at 2am, get up at 4am, do a 16 hour day, or an 18 hour day, or perhaps even more… and do it all again the following day.

No more though.

I’ve always been an early riser. At the moment, I’m up at around the 4 – 4.15am mark. And I love that. I love my morning routine, and I never want to give it up.

But it’s meaning that I can’t stay up too late at night. And that’s the bit I don’t like. I crave the ‘me’ time I get, after the cherubs are in bed for the night. Perhaps I’m just being a little too selfish? Wanting ‘me’ time prior to 6am, and again in the evenings?

I’ve been told I’m a pragmatic person. Realistic. Maybe I am; I don’t see it myself. And I certainly don’t want to acknowledge it in this particular set of circumstances! I want to have my awake time and keep my patience (and my sanity) too ๐Ÿ™

I guess that’s my arrogance talking though, yeh? And that’s a little embarrassing.

So I’m going to stop typing now. And try this week to (as a wise friend once suggested) be ‘rhythmic in my rest’. Feel free to join me in a ‘seeking sleep’ quest this week ๐Ÿ™‚ or not, too ๐Ÿ™‚

Either way, have a great week, dear Reader!
— KRidwyn

Life places to visit teaching Work

Done and dusted.

Phew! What a term! Glad it’s over.

and I’m ecstatic that this just so happens to be my view right now…

[and it’s only just now I remembered I hadn’t posted the photo yet… whoops!]

Have a wonderful week yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges Christianity family anecdotes

Sipping from the saucer #26

I work at a Christian school. The pastor of the church which established our school has a saying: โ€œThe LORD has blessed me so much, my cup is overflowing (taken from Psalm 23) and Iโ€™m sipping from the saucer.โ€

I like the visual, so Iโ€™m using it here, in this month-long blogging challenge focusing on the blessings God has poured out on me.

And now, blessing #26. Because I could NOT have done the last week that I’ve done, without this amazing lady. She has been there for me, and for Hubby, 24/7, full of enthusiasm and ‘nothing is too hard for me to do for you’ attitude.

Always and forever, my inspiration. And I KNOW that she’ll be horrified to be on here, and to be acknowledged, but… Mum, you’re the best. Thank you for everything – for giving me life and for helping me to live it ๐Ÿ™‚ and even for the toasted mince sandwich you’re making me for lunch so I can sit here and catch up on #blogJune posts ๐Ÿ™‚

And, dear Reader, I trust that you’ll be noticing those in your life who are the blessings that they are to you, too!

Have a great day, dear Reader!

— KRidwyn