momentous events Random thoughts

Press Here

I stumbled across the most amazing children’s picture book I have ever seen, at Beerwah Library recently.

It’s called “Press Here” and it’s by Herve Tullet. Published in 2010.

Seriously – you will be as amazed as I was, I have no doubt. So go! Get / borrow / steal a copy of this book, and read it. Now!

(And for my LIS friends – you will actually *want* to read the non-eVersion of this one… trust me!)

Image courtesy


Big day today

Wednesday’s tend to be shockers. At least, that’s what I’m starting to realise. It’s a race to get everything done that needs to be done, because generally I find that all 5 of us in the house need to go in five different directions, and generally all at (or around) the same time. Keeping it all together in my head is nigh-on impossible!

But today is slightly different. Today, Mr 3 canNOT go to Beerwah’s ECDP because today is Prep Orientation Day for Miss 4.

Here’s hoping it’s a good one!



Today I noticed how quickly it warmed up. This morning for an early meeting with a client, it was jacket weather, and Miss4 and Mr3, engrossed in ‘The Wild’ on the portable DVD player, were in jumpers and long pants. But roll on 8.45, and we were removing outer layers on the way to ‘Grandma playgroup’ and Mr 3’s last ever ECDP playgroup session. (The next two weeks I’m committed on Wednesday mornings. And no, I don’t mean the ‘mental health facility’. Although perhaps I should consider it, methinks…! But back to ‘the warmth’…)
By Speech therapy time, I was decidedly comfortable; almost ‘warm’. Man, how I love the warmer weather!
So tonight I’m out at a meeting, and I know that it’s going to be chilly again. But at least, for now, I’m warm. And I love that!!!


Making memories

On the whole, today was a good day. I even squeezed in some playtime with Mr3 in the cubbyhouse! Now *that* was fun!


Mr3 LOVES the cubbyhouse. It’s high up, with a front and back verandah, and the front has a ladder to a ‘crows nest’. In the first photo, I was on the back verandah, Mr3 in the crows nest. In the second, he was making me a cup of tea. So cute!

#Springinyourstep family anecdotes

Father’s Day

Today I surprised my father. After church, we dropped in and took my parents out for lunch. His favourite: Club Kawana. It was great!



All photos taken by Miss 7 on my iPad… which she’d never used before. How proud does she look!!!
Happy Father’s Day, dear readers!

family anecdotes momentous events

Passing the torch… um, I mean, violin…

So I play violin. I started learning way back in Year 3, which means I’ve now been playing for 31 years. (Man, I sound old when I put it like that! I don’t feel old! Or act it, either… I think?) and I’m pretty good at playing violin. Not being boastful, but I can hold my own. I teach it, and I play at church in one of the music teams.
I played last Sunday. My kids love it when I play, they dance along to the music, and Miss 7 hums or sings the tune if she knows it. Last Sunday, after church, I was telling her how she was very talented musically, and she decided that she wanted me to teach her violin. (A bit of history: she has her own violin that I bought for her when she was 5. I tried teaching her then, but we just butted heads non-stop, so we both lost interest very quickly!!!) so I said “sure”, and we started then and there.
She was SOOOOOOO super-keen!!! Perhaps it was because she was older too, but nonetheless, she was a lot more focused, a LOT more patient and willing to listen ( and I was probably a lot more of a patient teacher too!) But whatever it was, it worked. and it’s continued to… she’s been enthusiastically practicing every day. And making me so very very very proud!!!


Random thoughts

Back into it…

So it’s Wednesday again, and Term 3 has started, so that means that Hubby and Miss 7 are back at school, and Mr 3 and I headed to his ECDP this morning, followed by speech therapy, in between phone calls to clients to discuss and make decisions on various current projects.
I’ve found that the battery on my iPhone isn’t lasting as long as it used to, so when it dies while I’m busy at ECDP, not only do I get a far more peaceful time with my boy, but also I end up with a lot more missed calls and phone messages than normal! (Funny, that!)
So yes, it would seem that we are ‘back into it’, well and truly. Holidays (well, a slightly quieter two weeks, anyway) are quickly receding into distant memories. Sad, really. And this constant drizzly weather isn’t helping matters. I’m a person who loves the sunshine, so this greyness upon greyness is draining. Oh well. It’ll be sunny soon enough, I’m sure.
Image: my little man saying, “Go, go, go!” as he races balls on a toy this morning. Speech therapy seems to be working!



Autism Quote Number 5

I love this one. Hope you like it, too!


Autism Quote Number 4

So I’m going to start this post by referring to the American sitcom, The Big Bang Theory. Which used to be one of my favourite shows… until someone pointed out to me that the character Dr Sheldon Cooper was a classic autistic. Which, of course, I had always kind of *known*, but hadn’t really connected the dots between this man, and my son.

And when I did, I didn’t find the show all that funny any more.

Here’s today’s quote. (Again, from the ‘Always Unique, Totally Intelligent, Sometimes Mysterious’ Facebook community):


Autism Quote Number 3

Do *you* know what to “look” for?