
#BlogJune Day 6

This photo does an abysmal job of showing how beautiful my birthday bouquet really is. Nor can it express how divine my whole house smells.

Suffice it to say. I’m a very lucky girl and I love these flowers so much!

Here’s wishing you had a florally day as well, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn


#BlogJune Day 5

I found a waterfall today. I’ve visited this particular park in Nambour nearly every Wednesday during term time for the past year or so. Today was the first time I decided to take my dog Kiya with me while we waited for Mr15 to have his oboe lesson.

Imagjne my surprise when we discovered a waterfall at the end of the path!

Here’s hoping you too had a day of lovely surprises, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Random thoughts

#BlogJune Day 4

I had high hopes for this one. Look how pretty that rectangular white dish is! And it’s included in the price?! Fantastic!


The reality did not match the hope 🙁

Oh well. Live and learn.

I hope your hopes were all met today, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges teaching Work

#BlogJune Day 3

I left home at 6.45am. Arrived back at 6.15pm. That’s an 11 1/2 hour day, people!
No wonder I’m tired. And my photography skills aren’t as sharp. But hey, it is what it is 🙂

I hope your day was a shorter one, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges Random thoughts

#BlogJune 2

The diary food I miss most, now I’m cutting down on all non-essential diary (due to chest pains / suspected reflux,) is yoghurt. I was bemoaning this, this morning after church, when the last I was speaking with suggested the dairy-free yoghurt from ALDI. So I picked some up while shopping this afternoon.

And: SOOOOOOO yum!!! Here’s hoping I won’t be woken at 2am feeling like someone’s shoved an invisible spear through my chest (or that voodoo dolls actually *do* exist and someone has one of me) – I’ll let you know how I go!

Here’s wishing you a pain-free day and night too, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges momentous events Random thoughts Writing

BlogJune #1

Better late than never, amiright? Truth be told, it wasn’t until the early hours of June 2 that I decided I was going to do the #blogJune challenge again this year. And 2024’s theme? Daily photo.

So apologies for being several hours late, but here was June the first’s:

Hope your day was similarly festive, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn
Blogging challenges family anecdotes Writing

1/52 Memories, from Melbourne, with hope

And so it begins; my first blogpost of the New Year. And I’m in Melbourne, which apparently used to be called Batmania prior to being renamed back in 1837.

(And no, although it’s amusing to think of a black-winged crime fighter controlling the convicts in this area of Down Under, apparently it was named after John Batman, a leading member of the Port Philip Association and the person who negotiated a treaty with the Aboriginal elders to purchase 600,000 acres… so nothing to do with DC Comics, Inc.)

But discovering this fact the other day got me thinking about the past, and how so much of history gets forgotten, both intentionally and accidentally.

I met a lovely lady last night – my cousin’s mother-in-law. It was her 76th birthday party and our conversation had moved onto the topic of tattoos. I related the story of one of my family member’s, who’d faithfully kept a diary – until the day his girlfriend at the time found it, read it, and used it against him. Unsurprisingly, he’d decided to stop journaling, and ink his memorable events onto his skin instead. I’ve always wondered if this second method resulted in lost memories. And this saddens me.

2023 was one of those years which I’m glad has ended. And although I could blithely say “I could happily forget whole chunks of it” I know that, should I *actually* do so? Sure I’d be more free-from-pain than I am right now, but I’d also no longer be me. Our memories are what makes us who are we – and there’s lessons I learned through those painful 2023 experiences that I’m glad I won’t have to re-learn.

So here I am, starting 2024 more despondent than I can ever remember being, but intentionally trying to look for snatches of hope for a brighter year. (They *do* say when you’re down, the only way is up, right?) And hope, after all, is all we need, yes? Aren’t there a plethora of films out there whose entire premise is that hope is stronger than hate, or fear, loneliness or depression?

So that’s how I’m looking at 2024. One day at a time, one hour at a time. Trying to see the good, rather than focusing on the less-than-good of the recent past. Moving on, moving upwards. And recording it in words here on this blog, which I’m grateful to be able to do. Not everyone feels they have the luxury to record their thoughts in text, after all.

So. Here’s to a hope-full week ahead for us all, dear Reader, and I’ll see you next week 🙂
⁃ KRidwyn

PS Just cos I can: the doubledecker bus I rode from Tullarine airport to Melbourne CBD. The last time I rode on a doubledecker was in 1980 in London!

#Springinyourstep family anecdotes


Mum has a new friend. Her first ever dog. ‘Trav’ – the travelling dog 🙂

Isn’t he just adorable!

Have a lovable month yourself, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn
#blogjune Blogging challenges Uncategorized

#blogJune day17

So my middle child – Miss12 – has 3 days left until she’s exactly halfway through Year 8. That’s halfway through Middle School.

And my youngest, Master11, just received his letter of confirmation into the same High School as his sisters for next year.

Man – time is flying!

(And yes, I am deliberately NOT thinking about Miss15 driving in just 7 months…!)

Have a speedy day yourself, dear Reader… should you wish it to be, that is!

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges Reading Writing

#blogJune day16

Recently I’ve been re-reading Eoin Colfer’s ARTEMIS FOWL series. Wow, but they’re good!

Now, Disney released the Artemis Fowl movie late last week. I don’t have Disney Plus, so can’t watch it. And I was spitting chips because even Dame Judy Dench is in it! Although numbers of reviews I’ve read today were in shock at how butchered the storyline was, so perhaps it’s a blessing in disguise?

Anyway, here’s wishing you a butcher-free day today, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn