
Being a coastie

Hubby and I moved to theSunshine Coast from Brisbane in late June, 1998. It’s Paradise, really, it is. I am just SOblessed to live here, to work here, to raise our kids here.
Last night we went to Happy Valley, a little place in Caloundra near Bulcock Beach. We ate fish & chips in the park near the boardwalk and watched the sun slowly set behind Mt Tibrogargan (also called ‘Crookneck’ because of it’s shape; it is the most distinctive of the Glasshouse Mountains). The kids then took a closer look at the view.

This morning, Hubby went off- shore fishing. Easy when the boat ramp is one k from our gate. But nothing was biting, so he was home by 8, thinking about taking Miss 7 to Kings Beach pool. But plans changed, and we all ended by on the Northern tip of Bribie Island, looking west to Golden Beach. Which is where I’m blogging from right now. iPhones are wonderful things, aren’t they?!
What an awesome day. What a great place to live. I love my life!!!



Back into it…

This morning was the first ‘staff meeting’ for Bloxham Marketing for the year. 8.30am at Caloundra MacDonalds (so the cherubs could play) and our MacBooks came out & we were back into it for the year. It was AWESOME; it felt at the start (for me at least) that it had been too long of a break, but we quickly settled into our normal rhythm & got a gajillion things planned, organised and underway. It was just SOOOO good!!! Seeing as I’m now teaching three days a week, it’s been more important than ever to get this part of my life up and happening, running like clockwork so that I don’t have to worry about it. And Jenny is absolutely the PERFECT person to entrust this all to. I must admit, I’m feeling very confident now about the direction this business is going after this morning!!!



Family Wii time

It’s Thursday morning. It’s holidays. For the first time ever, Hubby and the 3 cherubs are playing Super Mario Kart on the Wii. Hubby keeps complaining; Miss 7 keeps winning; Miss 4 is trying her hardest; and Mr 3 keeps on getting up and walking in front of the sensor in his enthusiasm.

It’s the beginning of what’s going to be a great day!

Bloxham Marketing Life More about me teaching University studies Work

one fish two fish old work new work

LOL I crack myself up sometimes!

This is probably going to be a bit of a crazy blog post because it’s 12.16am and I’m not sleepy. So I thought I’d write you all, about the job I’m starting in 10 days time.

I’m a teacher. Qualified in English and Music, but have taught Dance, Drama, Geography and History, Christian Education, Sex Education (NOT fun! Not when they’ve split the cohort into girls and boys and you’re given the boys class. The Year Ten boys class.) Leadership, Core Skills Test skills, Life Skills, and probably a host of other forgettable bits and pieces. I’ve taught mainly Years 7 through 12, but have also experienced Preppies through to Uni students. My last permanent stint was as Head of Middle School at Caloundra Christian College, which I resigned from at the end of 2007 because I was due to have our second child in January 2008. I’ve since done some contract teaching work, Music Preppies to Year 9 at Coolum Beach Christian College for a year, and Preppies to Year 10 at Glasshouse Country Christian College for a couple of terms, and relief teaching at a number of schools, but I haven’t really been looking for teaching work, what with our youngest not yet 4, and autistic.

So it was rather a surprise then, to find myself suddenly the owner of a teaching position again. The classroom music teacher at St Paul’s Lutheran Primary, Caboolture, announced her imminent departure on the last afternoon of school, leaving them in rather a tight spot. I was called, offered the position, and within a number of hours, had the job. Just like that!

It’ll mean quite a few changes that I hadn’t planned for. The biggest will be Mr Not-yet-4 attending a mainstream Kindy for three days a week. Three full days. That’s going to be interesting! but things are hopefully going to be working out, in that St Paul’s will have their Kindy operational by the 29th of January, and that the funding will have come through so that he’ll receive the assistance he needs to help him cope…

The second biggest will be my ‘other’ job. The one I love! Bloxham Marketing, which I was hoping to grow this year, seeing as Miss 4-almost-5 would have been going to Prep, Miss 7 continuing on into Year 3, and Hubby taking the both of them to school… but now I’m down three days a week, so that’ll take a bit of wise delegating and working smarter…

The third biggest will be my studies. Unfortunately, they’ll have to take an even bigger back-seat than what even *I* had anticipated! I was thinking of only doing one course (of the two I have left) – but now it would appear that I won’t even be able to do that! So that’s something I’ll have to broach with the powers-that-be, over at the Uni, when they start back later this year…

So yes. Some huge changes on the fast-approching horizon. Lucky I like change, huh?!!

family anecdotes

Chinese checkers

Miss 7 and I are playing. She’s actually pretty good! Yes, I win, but not by much…
Miss 4 likes watching us. Mr 3 likes waiting until we’re done, and then swapping the pieces around so that the stars are multi-coloured. It’s very cute!
The cherubs and I are playing quite a few board games at the moment. Snakes and ladders, lottino, Topple Tree, Noughts and Crosses, Draughts, Chinese Checkers… and Miss 7 even challenged Hubby to chess the other day! It’s been a great family holiday, I must admit. But all good things must come to an end, and with endings come beginnings. Speaking of which, I decided the other day that Bloxham Marketing should probably start back this week. And it’s just gone 9, so Id best get into it, I guess. Have a great day, dear readers!

Mr 3’s input into the game!

Miss 7’s game, this morning…



Good morning, good morning!!!

So yesterday we finished #blog12daysxmas, and as @FiFYI reminded us on twitter yesterday, it’s 12 days leading up to Epiphany. Which, according to Wikipedia,  

“traditionally falls on January 6, is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being inJesus Christ. Western Christians commemorate principally (but not solely) the visitation of the Biblical Magi to the Baby Jesus, and thus Jesus’ physical manifestation to the GentilesEastern Christians commemorate the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, seen as his manifestation to the world as the Son of God.” 

Cool, huh? 

I’ve blogged before that I’m a Christian. I’ve also mentioned that I (try to!) blog daily in an online forum with a couple of Christian women from my church. We read a chapter or two in our Bibles, then comment about what we’ve read in the forum, discussing it and sharing how we think we can learn from it. It’s pretty amazing how much we learn from each other!

Well, this morning we were up to the book of Numbers, in the Old Testament. It can be pretty ‘dry’ reading, but I want to share here what I wrote there. (Yes, Google, I know I’ll probably be in trouble for duplicating content or something.) But, in a way, it shares an ‘Epiphany’ I had. (As in, ‘Epiphany’ the feeling, not ‘Epiphany’ the day!) Here ’tis!


Numbers Chapters 1 and 2

The ‘census’ chapters!
These are cool. I never used to get much out of them, until I was listening to a Chuck Missler tape one day, and what he explained out of it, blew my mind.
On the surface, it’s just a bunch of numbers, right? But picture it out. And this is what you come up with.
The tabernacle’s in the centre. A rectangle. And the Levites are camped around it. Then the twelve tribes of Israel are broken up into four groups, 3 tribes to camp on the East, 3 to the West, 3 to the North and 3 to the South. Okay.
Each of these groups is to marshal under the banner, or standard, of the ‘main’ tribe for that direction. So you end up with the standards of Judah, Reuben, Ephraim and Dan. Okay – but when you realise that Jewish tradition tells us that these standards were: Judah – the lion. Reuben – the man. Ephraim – the ox, and Dan – the eagle, you realise that the Israeliites are camping, showing the picture of the ‘four living creatures’ that we read about in heaven, in [the Book of] Revelations [which we had gone through at the end of last year]!
And then we get to the actual numbers. We read that Judah, to the East, numbers 186,400. Reuben, to the South, stands at 151,450. On the West, under Ephraim, are 108,100; and then to the North, under Dan, are 157,600.
Now if you think like a rabbi, and God tells you to camp these people to the North, South, East and West of the Tabernacle, then that’s what you do. Directly to the North, South, East and West – not NorthEast, SouthWest, or anything like that.
Now imagine you’re in a helicopter. Come up across the desert, from the East. You look down, and see the Israelites camped. What do they look like? A giant cross! 186 thousand at the base, and 108 thousand at the top, 150 thousand odd on either arm, and right in the centre, the Tabernacle. And altogether they’re forming the picture that we see in Revelations – the four living creatures around the Most High.
How incredibly COOL!!!!! is that!!!
anyway, I need to go. Have an awesome day today!!!


So – just a little bit of light reading to start your day. LOL! Here’s wishing you a truly wonderful day, dear readers!!! 


#blog12daysxmas #blog5daysAustenese Scribblings

Day 12 #blog12daysxmas

So this is a little embarrassing. But then again, it’s Maths and counting, and let’s face it, that’s NEVER been my strong point! Perhaps I could blame it on ‘blogging from my iPhone’, perhaps I could blame it on ‘I’ve been on holidays and I’m not checking as well as I should have been’ (actually, I haven’t really been checking at all…!) etc etc etc but the fact remains – I have two ‘Day 8’s” in this #blog12daysxmas challenge. Which is pretty silly. Yes, I *could* reorder the posts, as was suggested by a twitter friend this morning, but no, I won’t. Only cos I’m lazy. Plus I guess I should really own up to my faults and flaws. Keep myself humble etc – which is something that doesn’t happen much, or anywhere near as much as it should!

So yes. This is Day 12 of the #blog12daysxmas challenge, and I must say it seems to be getting easier each year. I am glad I do it. And I’m even more happy that I don’t do this challenge alone, but share it with good friends on twitter, who write about many and varied things and make my online life such a joy.

I probably should have done this at the start, but at the end will have to do. On most days this challenge, I’ve started with “On the xth day of Christmas, my family and me” – and each time, I’ve walked away after blogging, with the ’12 days of Christmas’ in my head. Which has been cool. But I just wanted to state (for Jo’s sake, although she hasn’t picked me up on it yet) that yes, I realise that the grammar I have been using has been entirely incorrect. That it should have been “my family and I”. But that wouldn’t have rhymed, so I chose to write it incorrectly. Sorry to all you grammar fanatics out there!

So. #blog12daysxmas is now finished. And that reminds me that this time last year, I was on the cusp of a different blogging challenge: #blog5daysAustenese – a challenge to write in the “stile” of Jane Austen for 5 days straight. I was joined by 4 others – @jobeaz, @Girlwithshoes, @kalgrl and @jzgarnett  – as brave as (or is that “as insane as?!”) me. I wonder if they’re up for it again this year? Or a different author’s style maybe? Either way, it’ll be good to continue this daily blogging bit, I think. Even if I can’t count past seven with any reliable certainty of accuracy!

Have a great day, dear readers!


Day 10 #blog12daysxmas

On the tenth day of Christmas, my family & me…

– woke up late. Well, later than normal. And by that, I mean 5.58am instead of just-gone-5. “Yes!!!”
– read books, coloured in, stuck stickers, played violin, and explored new games on the Wii
– and I gardened, like I have been since turning off my computer mid-December. And by ‘gardening’, I mean what one of my IRL friends calls ‘extreme gardening’. As in, pulling out fencing, clearing scrub, digging out stumps, taking out saplings etc etc etc
Needless to say, I’m a little bit exhausted tonight. Add in the very late night courtesy my Once Upon A Time marathon, and I feel the very strong need to hit the hay. Soon!
So, dear readers, have a lovely Friday evening, and I shall see you tomorrow!

#blog12daysxmas Technology

Day 9 #blog12daysxmas

Yeah, yeah. It’s Day 10 today. Sorry. So yesterday, on the ninth day of Christmas, my family and me…

– cleaned the house in the morning. Because I hadn’t “cleaned” since returning from Hervey Bay on the 29th. Because I’m a grot. I don’t like cleaning. As soon as I win Lotto (Division One) then the first thing I’ll do (after paying off the mortgage, of course) is to employ a housecleaner. Or maybe a housekeeper. Full time. So I don’t have to cook either. Yeah, that’d be good.

– entertained. Miss almost-8 had a friend come visit. It went well. The kids played games, went swimming, ate lunch, and played on the Wii (this year’s birthday ‘presents’, for all three cherubs).

– and then everyone else did whatever while I watched the rest of my Christmas present. Season One of “Once Upon a Time”. Bonus features included. So it was almost 1am when I finally went to bed. But boy, what a great day. I so LOVE what the scriptwriters have done with fairytales. And hearing Robert Carlyle talking about twitter, and the directors talking about mashups, putting Hans Christian Anderson and Brothers Grimm squarely into the age of Web 2.0, is just mind-blowingly cool, in my opinion!

So yeah, that was my 9th day of Christmas. And I must admit, the tenth day is starting off pretty well, too…


Day 8 #blog12daysxmas

Today was hot. HOT HOT HOT

And I’m going to be a piker and lamely write that ‘it’s too hot to write’. 😛

LOL Sorry! See you tomorrow…