family anecdotes Life

The weekend that was

One of my Facebook updates yesterday afternoon spoke of how this Easter long weekend has been by far the best I’ve had in years. And I don’t really know why, but then again, I don’t really care why either. I’m just pretty stoked that it was so darn great!
Thursday (yes, I know, Thursday wasn’t part of the weekend, but hey – it’s my story, and I want to start on Thursday, okay?!! LOL) I took the kids to Pioneer Park at Landsborough for the morning. For those of you who don’t know about Pioneer Park, it’s probably the best kids playground (free, outdoor) on the southern half of the Sunshine Coast. It’s fenced (a huge plus for a mum of an escape artist son – apparently quite a few autistic kids are like this!) and its playground equipment is specifically designed as ‘all ability’ ie. those with wheelchairs / specific physical needs can use the equipment too.
But I hadn’t just taken the kids there for something to do; I’d arranged to meet Richard Bruinsma there too. I’d met him a couple of times before, in his role as Media Adviser to Peter Slipper MP, but this was different. This was an appointment with a purpose. And I’m excited to report that Bloxham Marketing has acquired the expertise of a extremely experienced journo (he was several years with Channel Seven prior to working for Mr Slipper) – and I’m ecstatic about that!!!

Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday was also awesome. Time with Hubby and the kids at Kings Beach Pool, then Kings Beach itself, playing ‘Where’s my Water’ with all three kids at the same time, church with Miss 4 who wandered up onto the stage while I was playing violin in the worship team, playing in the cubbyhouse with Mr 3, jumping on the trampoline with Miss 7, gardening, more gardening, baking cookies, watching movies, making curtains and yet more gardening, and exploring the worlds of tumblr, and google plus (again). Oh! And I also created my first ever A4 flyer -in Russian! And organized its printing and collection on Easter weekend (the manager of CCC’s international program was flying out at 3am this morning, and only got the translation of his text back, late Thursday! MASSIVE kudos to John Sherrard-Smith of Middleton’s Printing, Morayfield!) so that was pretty cool too…

All in all, a brilliant weekend. Now it’s back into what will hopefully be an even more brilliant week… Full of appointments that will hopefully get me (and my family) the outcomes that we need…!



Random thoughts Technology

On Reality TV

If you’ve ever taken a quick peek at my Facebook profile information, you’ll see that I’m a fan of Survivor. I’ve been one since Season One, when the whole concept of ‘alliances’ was created by that guy who used to walk around the camp naked, just to annoy his fellow competitors. And he won, too – the first ever Reality TV millionaire, wasn’t he?

Anyway, I got my Mum hooked too. We used to discuss the different personalities, the different strategies, and how the variety of challenges and the pressures intrinsic to the game would mean that, even though they might not want to, the competitors would fail to truly mask the side of their personality that they would normally hide. We would debate the role of the TV producers, and their choices in what footage to show, and what to cut, and all-in-all have a very pleasant time of it.

I guess we weren’t the only ones who enjoyed the format, as Reality TV took off in a major way. And Mum and I followed – more regularly than I’d like to admit to myself now! I wasn’t into the ‘Big Brother’ side of things (although I liked the romance of ‘The Farmer wants a Wife’ and I sat through an episode or two of ‘The Bachelor’,) I was more into the ‘improvement’ ones, such as ‘The Block’, ‘The Renovators’, and ‘Top Design’ – and I guess ‘The Biggest Loser’ could also fall into that category, too… And I also tried taking up dance again after the second season of ‘So you think you can dance’. Then I realised that I was pregnant with Mr 3, so stopped. Plus I realised that I’d probably never be as good again as I was in my memories…

Now I have to point out that I was NOT a religious watcher of these. (Except perhaps The Renovators.) I laughed through some episodes of ‘The Apprentice’, ‘America’s Next Top Model’, ‘Wife Swap’ and ‘Super-Nanny’ whenever I happened to watch them, but never bothered with any of the kitchen / cooking ones (although I watched ‘My Restaurant Rules’ – the Brisbane girl was an ex-student) and I never watched ‘Dancing with the Stars’, ‘Australia’s Got Talent’, or ‘The X Factor’. That being said, I’m not sure about this ‘The Voice’ that’s being so heavily promoted on Channel 9. I like that it seems more ‘real’ than the media-image-heavy other talent shows. (Funny, now that I’m a marketer myself!) But still…

So anyway, Mum’s still an avid fan. She monopolised the 7pm timeslot for Biggest Loser a few weeks back, when she stayed with us while I taught for the week, and The Big Bang Theory had to be taped (which is what I do anyway, to watch it sans ads) but I feel as though I’m kinda over it now. As is everyone else, it seems. The shows are getting trashier and trashier -‘Please Marry my Boy’ – SERIOUSLY??!!! and I’m over that style of TV. I wonder what will be next? If I review my TV habits in a decade, what will I have watched? Interesting to ponder…

Have a lovely day, all!

family anecdotes


Miss 4 and Mr 3 were invited to a birthday party last week. And when Miss 7 and I went shopping for a present, she saw a $6 teddy bear that she wanted to buy. We were in a rush though, and her pocket money was in her purse in her handbag, back at home; so we left the shop, present in hand but no bear. Fast forward a few days, and I was in the same shop again, this time with all three kids and Miss 7 proudly clutching her handbag, the purse of which contained $6.65. (Please excuse, dear reader, my long and strangely constructed sentences. Watching Gosford Park the other night has brought out the ‘Blogging Austenese’ style in me again!)
So she chose the softest, fluffiest bear she could find, and carried him ever-so-carefully to the checkout, where she was asked to pay $6.30.
“Strange,” I thought, so I queried it. Outcome? Store policy kicked in. If an item scans for more than its advertised price, you get it for free.
“Seriously?!!!” I said. “if I’d known that, I would have got one for each of them!”
Nevertheless, Miss 7 is the extremely proud owner of a free, soft, fluffy bear. Cuddles now sits happily next to Miss 7’s new fish tank – but that’s another story!

Life places to visit


I am a very, very, very blessed person. I live in a free country, and in a very beautiful part of it. I have a wonderful husband and three gorgeous kids. I have a house to protect me from the elements, a vehicle to transport me and my family, a brilliant and fulfilling (although exhausting) job that helps to pay the mortgage and keep food in the fridge, and best of all I have a Saviour who considered me worth dying for.
Thank you, Lord, for blessing me so abundantly. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

(Photo taken this morning, at Kings Beach Pool, Caloundra)

Life momentous events More about me

“Good Friday” – a day for faith

So today is Good Friday – the day that Christians remember the Saviour who died for our sins, so that we might not have to bear their penalty. Today, for me, is the day that takes most ‘faith’. To actually BELIEVE that there was a man, who lived over 2000 years ago, who was crucified, and who, after He was dead and buried in a tomb, rose again, conquering death, and now lives so that, should we put our trust (our ‘faith’) in Him, we too might not have to die, but can know that after our death we too will ‘rise’ and live for eternity in a place with no tears, no hunger, no pain.

I don’t write about my faith too much. But I’m a Christian and proud of it. I love that my faith is secure in Him who created the entire Universe, who created me, and who loves me far more than I could ever love myself.

Each day, one of my friends from Chancellor Park Community Church and I read a chapter of the Bible and discuss it in a forum she set up. She’s currently working over in Papua New Guinea (she’s a doctor) and will be there for the next two months. She’s missing her home and her husband terribly, suffering a little from culture shock and the realisation that practising medicine over there is COMPLETELY different to practising it here – and yet her forum entries are so uplifting and so full of faith and encouragement, they’re astounding.

So today, I feel like sharing here with you one of my forum responses of a couple of days ago. I had just read Thessalonians Chapter 3.

“Again, what an amazing chapter full of encouragement!

I’ve been thinking recently just how easy it is to be discouraged. How negativity and toxic self-talk can bring us down so easily and so effectively. I’ve come to realise that we have really only two options when it comes to the crossroads – we can face it (the negativity) and grow strong; or give in to it – the easier option but the one which restricts us and weakens us and in the end destroys who we are / who we want to be / who we could be. I guess it just comes back to faith, doesn’t it?! Faith in Him that He can grow us to be the people that we could be. Faith that we never encounter more than we can handle. Faith that we are where we are meant to be, and doing what we are meant to be doing, and that all things are in His hands – which is the safest place for them, anyway!
Be encouraged today, Bek. You are a wonderful person, doing exactly what God wants, and where He wants, and your being there and doing that, and sharing your journey with me here on a daily basis, is a true source of both encouragement and inspiration to me. I trust that He who we both serve will walk through today with you, and pray that your day today might be truly a wonderful one.”

That’s my prayer for you too, dear readers. That your day today might be a truly wonderful one – whether or not your share my faith with me and the many others who remember what happened on this day ever so many years ago. Have a wonderful day.

CC image courtesy 50%ChanceofRain at

Random thoughts Technology


I’m about to celebrate my 2,000th tweet. And I’m pretty stoked about that. I love twitter. I miss my tweeps when enforced absences keep me from checking my tweetstream. I know that I can’t write as fluently, coherently or beautifully as fionawb did in her post about her use of twitter, but I can and do echo her sentiments. And I’m pretty stoked to be hitting this 2,000th milestone!

Tweet on!


Random thoughts

The Kindness of Friends

I rarely write more than one blog post per day. In fact, it’s far more likely that I miss days than I double up in them. But today I feel compelled. Today I had a conversation IRL about my blog -this one, that you’re reading right now. A friend said to me, right out of the blue, “I’ve been reading your posts… How’s everything going?”
I must admit, I was very taken aback. Which is strange, when I really think about it. I mean, I *know* I have readers, from the stats, the ‘likes’, the (rare) email notifications that someone new has subscribed, and of course from the comments (I wonder what you’re going to write on *this* one, Jo!!). But like I said to Liz today: when I write, it often feels like I’m typing into a vacuum. I share no more, and no less, of myself than I would when speaking face to face with a close friend, but all the same, it amazes me that anyone actually would read my blog. Chalk it down to a poor sense of self-worth or something, but it’s true. Each time someone mentions that they’ve visited my blog, I’m surprised. And immensely, incredibly flattered.
So today, in this post, I want to thank you, Liz, for your kindness and your concern for me, and for my family. I know that our conversation – short staccato bursts in between tending to children – wasn’t sufficient for me to express my gratitude. So here, on my blog, just in case you read this post, Liz, I wanted to say thanks. To say that, yes, I’m doin’ okay. Yes, so’s Hubby. And all three kids. Work’s hectic, but new every day, and I love the challenge. Uni’s the same. So yes, life’s good. Non-stop, crazy, intense, but good. And thanks for asking – I truly appreciate your concern. And next time we catch up, I want to find out how you’re doing!

Life More about me Random thoughts Technology University studies

Why I study…

I’ve decided that I really like studying for my Masters. From taxonomies to organizational structures and hierarchy in the informational architecture of websites, from database design to the uses of twitter for professional networking – it’s been a true stretch of the mind for me! And that’s what’s been really enjoyable.

So why a Masters in Information Technology? What’s IT got to do with becoming a Librarian?

Well, I’m a trained teacher. Since I started in classrooms, back in (cough) 1996, I’ve taught in State, Catholic, Independent, Lutheran, and Christian schools. I’ve taught Preppies through to Year 12. In Uni, I majored in English and Music, but I’ve also taught Drama, Dance, Film and TV, SOSE, QCS Test classes, Christian Studies, Independent Studies, and Sex Ed. I’ve been a Music Coordinator (x 2), a Head of English, and a Head of Middle School.

But I like challenges. I don’t like remaining in a position that I’ve been in before. Maybe it’s something to do with my claustrophobia, but I particularly dislike being ‘stuck in a rut’ – which, in my opinion, is remaining in a situation where there is little to challenge me. I love new experiences, and have never yet racked up enough time in any one position to earn ‘Long Service Leave’. But that’s okay for me. I’ve only got one life – I want to live it.

So 9 weeks after Mr 3 was born, I met with some web developers about my ideas for a social network for Seniors – and became a reality. Less than six months after its launch, I was thinking about my eventual return to teaching, and decided that it didn’t really interest me. But as a bookworm, the thought of returning to the classroom from within the four walls of the School Library made a great deal of sense. Step One was to look into how I could get qualified. A few phonecalls and I had a decision to make. To become a School Librarian, I could study a Masters in Education, which would qualify me for a School Library – or I could study a Masters in IT (within a Science faculty) and I would be qualified for School, Public, Academic and Special libraries. And seeing as I’d never studied a ‘Science’ degree before, I thought “why not?” And I’m very glad I did.

The Science faculty at QUT does the ‘student experience’ pretty well. Blended learning options, and podcasts made of all lectures, makes study-around-kids possible. (Believe me! I swapped to the Business faculty for an elective last semester and was NOT impressed with the resulting experience…)

So although study has its ups and downs, I’ve been ecstatic at (the majority of) my results, and the brain challenge has also been excellent. And I’m learning to code in html this semester, so that’s pretty cool (?!!) too… I think!

The plan, when I commenced, was to graduate as quickly as possible and then to be a Teacher Librarian. Graduating quickly isn’t an option for me any more, and my scope has broadened. Having friends on twitter who are Youth Librarians, Electronic Services Librarians, Medical Librarians, Academic Librarians, Information Managers, Historical Archivists and Library students, I now can see that my interests may be broader than the High School library.

So I wonder where my studies will take me! And I’m excited by the possibilities.

CC image courtesy cseeman at

family anecdotes Life Random thoughts

Happy Easter! (maybe)

Miss 7 brought home a few Easter chicks last week – Easter presents from teachers and friends, craft activities on the last day of school. Her favourite was a tiny pink fluffy thing, which she didn’t want to put away in her bag, but insisted that ‘she needed to be safe in her uniform pocket’.

Unfortunately… tiny pink fluffy chick, safe inside the uniform pocket, didn’t take particularly well to her rendezvous with the washing machine and dryer.


(On the up-side, Easter holidays leave more opportunities to visit gorgeous places with our dogs…!)

Bloxham Marketing Life teaching Work

Where I’ve been

Okay, so I’ve been absent from this blog for what feels like months, but is only, in fact, 10 days. It’s now Monday 2 April, and it’s officially the ‘first day’ of school holidays. But while Miss 7 might sleep in this morning, Hubby will still have to drive in to work, and I’m in front of the screen already, getting work done while it’s quiet and still. Our work continues while schools have their break – and there’s always work to be done.

Last week was incredibly intense for me. Not only was I teaching a pretty full-on Prep class Monday through Thursday, I was also keeping the marketing of my clients ticking along. On Monday, for example, St Paul’s had a branding photo event with the brilliant photographer Greg Parsons. At the same time, the School Captain and Primary Head of School from Caloundra Christian College were being interviewed by Steve Dunster of Radio Rhema, to promote the Bike-a-thon that they ran on Friday, to raise money for the charity Reach-an-Orphan.

Tuesday and Wednesday was ‘quickly-interview-sources-and-take-photos-in-between-classes’ days, in preparation for the news story deadlines that always come around far too quickly. Thursday was ‘book the bus half-backs’ that I’ll be creating the skin designs for this week. And Friday was ‘finish the stories and submit by midday, then collapse’. And in between I was updating Facebook accounts – with photos of Firey’s visits and Cross Country carnivals – twitter accounts, and websites. Oh. And teaching Prep.

Man! No wonder I’m tired! Conclusion: I need a holiday.