Meet Xaf.
She’s the dragon keeping me company while I write.
Cute, yes? I think so! She always makes me smile 🙂
Have a smile-y week yourself, dear Reader!
– KRidwyn
Meet Xaf.
She’s the dragon keeping me company while I write.
Cute, yes? I think so! She always makes me smile 🙂
Have a smile-y week yourself, dear Reader!
– KRidwyn
I rarely write more than one blog post per day. In fact, it’s far more likely that I miss days than I double up in them. But today I feel compelled. Today I had a conversation IRL about my blog -this one, that you’re reading right now. A friend said to me, right out of the blue, “I’ve been reading your posts… How’s everything going?”
I must admit, I was very taken aback. Which is strange, when I really think about it. I mean, I *know* I have readers, from the stats, the ‘likes’, the (rare) email notifications that someone new has subscribed, and of course from the comments (I wonder what you’re going to write on *this* one, Jo!!). But like I said to Liz today: when I write, it often feels like I’m typing into a vacuum. I share no more, and no less, of myself than I would when speaking face to face with a close friend, but all the same, it amazes me that anyone actually would read my blog. Chalk it down to a poor sense of self-worth or something, but it’s true. Each time someone mentions that they’ve visited my blog, I’m surprised. And immensely, incredibly flattered.
So today, in this post, I want to thank you, Liz, for your kindness and your concern for me, and for my family. I know that our conversation – short staccato bursts in between tending to children – wasn’t sufficient for me to express my gratitude. So here, on my blog, just in case you read this post, Liz, I wanted to say thanks. To say that, yes, I’m doin’ okay. Yes, so’s Hubby. And all three kids. Work’s hectic, but new every day, and I love the challenge. Uni’s the same. So yes, life’s good. Non-stop, crazy, intense, but good. And thanks for asking – I truly appreciate your concern. And next time we catch up, I want to find out how you’re doing!