I never intended Hmmm… to be a ‘Mummy blog’ – not seeing as the people that I initially modelled my writing on were all Librarians who wrote predominantly about their work! But seeing as I *am* a mum, and I’m not yet a Librarian who *can* write about my work, and seeing as my kids are just so darn cute (and no, I’m not being biased here LOL) I guess that, for the time being, some of my posts – if not the majority, really – are about them. And that’s probably okay. (But I’m going to be more careful of photos! Something circulated on fb recently about photos on kids on Instagram being copied and re-used, under the heading ‘adopt an IG kid’… but I can’t post the link because it’s all been removed… curiouser and curiouser…)
But that being said, I just have to post this one of my little man. He’d been at Family Day Care with Miss 4 while I spent the day in Brisbane for work. The Day Care mum was dropping the two of them off to me at Miss 7’s school at 3pm (how good is SHE!!!) and Mr 3 (pictured) was fast asleep. And in a pram, because he’s HEAVY!
But what got me smiling was the pose. He’s just kickin’ back, y’know… LOL