Life Random thoughts


It’s a bit unfortunate, but sometimes the urgent takes priority over what it is I *want* to do. This week, I had hoped to blog a minimum of three times. And now it’s Saturday, just gone midday, and I have the feeling that I only blogged once. Whoops! And the worst bit of it is… I can’t actually remember where the week went to! But I’m not too overly stressed at the moment, and the mountainous workload that normally takes up residence in my brain-space seems to not be yelling at me insistently, so I’m going to take 15 minutes out and catch up with this blog.
And what a great place to do it! I’m sitting in dappled sunlight with my kids hard at play at the sand tables in their favourite playground. And, strangest of all, Hubby’s with us, instead of being at work or studying (he’s halfway through his CPA) so this is turning into a big highlight of the week to date.


So yes, although I’m fully cognizant of the fact that when we get home there’s a kitchen full of dirty breakfast dishes, at least three loads of washing, and probably a dozen kids fights to arbitrate between now and dinner, I’m going to enjoy the moment. I’m here, I’m warm, I’m happy. And I wish the same for each of you, dear readers! Have a great day today!

family anecdotes momentous events

Passing the torch… um, I mean, violin…

So I play violin. I started learning way back in Year 3, which means I’ve now been playing for 31 years. (Man, I sound old when I put it like that! I don’t feel old! Or act it, either… I think?) and I’m pretty good at playing violin. Not being boastful, but I can hold my own. I teach it, and I play at church in one of the music teams.
I played last Sunday. My kids love it when I play, they dance along to the music, and Miss 7 hums or sings the tune if she knows it. Last Sunday, after church, I was telling her how she was very talented musically, and she decided that she wanted me to teach her violin. (A bit of history: she has her own violin that I bought for her when she was 5. I tried teaching her then, but we just butted heads non-stop, so we both lost interest very quickly!!!) so I said “sure”, and we started then and there.
She was SOOOOOOO super-keen!!! Perhaps it was because she was older too, but nonetheless, she was a lot more focused, a LOT more patient and willing to listen ( and I was probably a lot more of a patient teacher too!) But whatever it was, it worked. and it’s continued to… she’s been enthusiastically practicing every day. And making me so very very very proud!!!


momentous events

Tears of joy

Yesterday was quite an emotional day for me. And it’s a fairly long story, but I’ll try to keep it short…

Regular readers of this blog will know that I’m the mother of an autistic son. Mr 3 was diagnosed back in March, and with his diagnosis came a turbulent rollercoaster ride of emotions that lasted… well… I guess it’s still kinda going, come to think of it…

So anyway, the diagnosis was also helpful in that it brought ‘closure’, in a sense, to all the questions. It meant that I could feel a little less ‘guilty’ that he had zero interest in toilet training (Miss 7 and Miss 4 were both pretty much trained by their third birthdays) and that he regularly spat his food back out (it took until the diagnosis for me to realise that he was actually gagging on it) and that he wasn’t speaking (lightbulb moment again – if he couldn’t use his mouth muscles to manipulate the food in his mouth properly, then duh! Of course he couldn’t manipulate those same muscles to reproduce speech sounds!) and it also made sense why he HATED bath time – getting into the bath meant an instant tantrum with banshee screams, head thrashing, etc etc etc. And it didn’t matter if it was cold, warm or tepid, bubbles or no bubbles, by himself or with his sisters, the reaction was consistent. I realised that, just like the identical reaction he gave whenever I suggested he try the potty, that it was the sudden change in textures and temperature that was setting it off. So for the past 9 months or so, Mr 3 has had ‘bird baths’ (wet washcloth – there’s still a tantrum but it’s over quicker) and the potty has been up and out of sight.

So yesterday, I took the potty down from the shelf (it was on top of a bucket that I needed) and – being in a rush to head out the door – left it on the floor rather than packing it away immediately. We got back home, and Mr 3 noticed it sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor.

Now both he and Miss 4 needed baths (they were filthy) which is why they’d both gone into the bathroom in the first place. Miss 4 and I watched curiously as he looked at it, went over and touched it, then tried to sit down on it. I was incredulous. Even more so when he let me remove first his clothes, and then his nappy, and then he sat back down. I absolutely couldn’t believe it!!! And he seemed happy sitting there too, so I left him there and started running the bath for Miss 4. She helped me add the bubbles,then got in. Mr 3 then came over to investigate the bubbles, and I thought ‘why not try this sitting thing again!?’

Now we have a little blue footstool that he uses to reach the bathroom sink. He loves it, and sits down on it every time he brushes his teeth. So I put this into the bath, then put him on it. He was surprised – but not as surprised as I was, seeing him within the bathtub, with not even a scream! He started off with standing, then eventually sat on his heels, then his bottom. And I was happy with that – my younger two children playing happily with their toys in the bathtub.

I went to unlock the rest of the house, put away the rest of the things, etc, and left them to play for a couple of minutes. (I also didn’t want them to see me crying, I was so incredibly happy at what had just happened.) But I got the shock of my life when I returned. Miss 4 was now sitting where Mr 3 had been, and she was playing with the stool. She’d turned it upside down, and was using it as a ‘boat’ to carry her toys.

Mr 3 was down the other end of the bath, sitting on his bottom, immersed in the water up to his waist, playing with the bubbles.

I couldn’t help it. I cried again. (I’m generally not an emotional person; but being a mum of autistic son has made me realise that I now cry fairly regularly!) Tears of utter joy and happiness. Yay! My son was having a bath!!!

Have a great day, dear readers. I need to go get the tissues…

Life Random thoughts

Colour sorting

It’s been a huge couple of days; ending with (almost!) catching up on my work when I finally managed to put head on pillow at 2am.
So, this morning, it’s been great to clear some emails then head to the ECDP at at Talara for some colour sorting.


Bloxham Marketing family anecdotes More about me Technology Work

Looking backward, looking forward…

So I mentioned recently that my cousin from England was coming out to Oz, to stay with us for a few days. Well, the few days turned into almost-a-week, which was even better – plus, he left just as my family decided to come down with a vomiting bug, so he and his family left at just the right time, I think!

During his stay, we visited my parents at the retirement village where they live. Here’s my cousin Phil with my dad. A strong family resemblance, wouldn’t you say?

It was lovely to also meet and spend time with his fiancé, Jo, and her daughters, Darcy and Hope. My kids loved them to bits and were quite upset when they left. In fact, Mr 3 unfortunately ‘dropped’ my iPod onto concrete in his distress – chalk up two devices, now, with newly cracked screens. I’m seriously going to have to look into stronger cases for them, I think!

Here Phil and the family are laughing because Mr 3 is ‘copying’ me, taking photos on the iPod while I take them on my iPhone. They thought it was hilarious, that he was pretending to take photos – until I showed them that he actually *was* taking photos! They were amazed that he could navigate to the camera all by himself. I mentioned that he’d being doing taking both photos and videos for about a year now…

So that was last week. And it ended with me being sick all weekend. By Sunday I felt ready to die. I was SOOOOOOO overwhelmingly nauseous that I swiped one of Hubby’s Phenergen tablets – which knocked me out for a good few hours. When I did eventually wake up, it was like trying to move through thick, cloying mud. It was incredible!!! I’d never been like that before – ever! (Well, the mud yes – at Emu Gully some years back now, but that’s another story!) And the nausea was gone, which was great. What was not so great was the realisation that the nausea had been masking three very distinct stabbing pinpoints of pain in my stomach. Which was not so much fun.

But it’s Monday now. Hubby and Miss 7 have just left for school, and I’m heading off soon to meet with a potential client; then later head down to Caboolture for a ‘Round Table Discussion’ of three schools. It should be an enlightening day. Hopefully my still very tender stomach will be able to handle it all…!

Have a great day, dear readers!!!

Random thoughts

Wisdom hairs

So this morning has been a lot ‘slower’ than normal. Not through choice, but through exhaustion. Long story, and I won’t go into it here. But part of my ‘slower’ morning was actually taking the time to brush my hair in front of a mirror. (Normally it’s an ‘in the car at traffic lights’ kind of hairdo).
So anyway, I was standing in front if a mirror (again, VERY unusual experience; standing still…) and I noticed the extra white hairs that weren’t there last time I brushed my hair in front of a mirror. ‘Well, duh!’ I thought. Bound to happen, really. They’re my ‘hairs of experience’. Wisdom hairs. Maybe!
So my first reaction was to reach up and go to pull out the more obvious ones… but I caught myself in time. You see, on my 35th birthday, a few years ago now, I made a pact with myself- no more pulling out white hairs. Considering I started this habit on the day I found my first one, which just so happened to be my 18th birthday, that was almost half a lifetime of habit that I had to overcome! Still an’ all, I haven’t pulled out another to this day. My hair can grow old gracefully (because I’m not sure that *I* will be!)

(Maybe they’re not too obvious in this light… or any other light too, actually!)

Life Random thoughts

Is it just me?

Maybe I’m just going crazy. But the world seems to be turning faster and faster, and life seems to be getting busier and busier – is that right? Anyone else noticing this?

Cos right at the moment, I really feel like yelling “Stop the world!! I wanna get off!!!”

Is it just me?



CC Image courtesy Sean MacEntee at


Extended family visits

(LOL ‘Extended family visits ‘ as in ‘cousins’, ‘uncles’, ‘aunts’ etc, not ‘close family members staying for extended periods of time’!)

So I mentioned on Wednesday that my cousin is coming to stay with me. He arrives later today, and I’m really looking forward to it, seeing as I last laid eyes on him around 32 years ago, when I was 5 and he 7 or 8. He lives in Kent, and is travelling to Oz not to escape the Olympics but because his fiancé has just discovered her father (she’s been looking for him her entire life) and he lives in the Whitsundays. So my cousin, his fiancé, and her two daughters, will be here in just a few hours, and will stay for almost a week with us before heading north for a few more weeks.

Just SOOOO excited!!! (Better go and clean the kitchen, hey!)

Life Random thoughts

Olympic fever

I’ve been blessed with pretty much zero athletic ability. Physical prowess isn’t something I have ever really valued highly. Okay, okay, when I was younger, I was a fairly good ballet dancer. I even won a couple of trophies for it! But the love I felt for dancing quickly waned when, in upper primary school, my dance class and I all passed the junior grades, and ‘graduated’ into pointe shoes, but my father didn’t want me to continue because I was such a tiny child and obviously not yet physically ready for such potential damage to my feet. So they all continued, and I didn’t. Oh well.

And dancing was about the only ‘sporting’ activity I was really good at. I’ve never really followed – or even been interested in, for that matter! – the cricket or footy codes, and even State of Origin is kind of a ‘ho hum’ in our house. So ‘Olympic Fever’ is just not going to catch on under my roof. Hubby feels the same. Opening Ceremony hasn’t even hit the TV screen yet, and already we’re complaining to each other that ‘there’s not going to be much on’ for the foreseeable future!

It’s fortunate then, that my cousin is coming to stay with us for part of this Olympic period. He’s my father’s sister’s eldest son, recently turned 40, and I haven’t set eyes on him in about 32 years. I’m really looked for ward to seeing him! (Plus, that should help me forget about the non-offering on TV for a while…!)

CC Image courtesy thedcms at

Life More about me Random thoughts University studies

So apparently it’s now Semester 2…

I’ve just caught this tweet:

and I’m guessing that Semester 2 has just started. Which is cool; it marks two years since I started this Masters in IT. When I started, I had 12 courses ahead of me. Now I have just 3 left. Two of which are core courses, only offered in Semester One, and the third of which, an elective, I’m *doing* this semester. And by *doing*, I mean ‘applying for Advanced Standing’. So I’m pretty stoked about being able to do that!

Actually, when I think about it, I’m pretty stoked with how my studies have gone to date. Considering that, prior to July 2010, my last stint at ‘hitting the books’ was November 1995, I’m done pretty well. In this Masters, I’ve received 4 High Distinctions, 3 Distinctions and a Credit (and I must emphasise that the credit was for an elective I took – foolishly, in hindsight – from a different faculty, with rather different standards, and we just didn’t seem to get along too well.) So at present, I’m pretty happy with my GPA of 6.375, and last year I accepted an invitation to join the International Golden Key Honor Society – something that I never knew existed, but am now a part of! (To save you googling it, like I had to, it’s a group for University students who are in top 15% of achievers. They meet, do charitable works, that sort of thing.)

So I have three courses – 2 cores, 1 elective – to go (and professional practice to complete, which will make up the final 12th course). And this semester, I’ll be writing up a 3000 word application for ‘Advanced Standing’, which, if approved, means that it’ll take the place of the elective, and I’ll only have the two courses to go. It’s such a head-spin to think that, by this time next year, I may in fact be a fully qualified Librarian, and able to add ‘M.IT.’ after the ‘B.Ed.’ after my name. How COOL is that!!!