This traffic light is my friend. Since the local council decided the road needed… something (not too sure what they’re doing behind the barriers,) this timered traffic light and I spend time together almost every morning.
It adds a good fifteen minutes to my routine, which I don’t particularly like. Nor do I like that they’ve forecasted this one-lane-only setup to last until October. That’s another SIX MONTHS, people! It’s already been almost three!
Enough to make me think of quitting the gym- but I enjoy it too much, so I’ve decided I’ll just suck it up and deal with the hassle.
This morning though, as I passed the queued traffic, waiting on the other side, the first car waiting was the police, doing their rounds. Suddenly my once-a-day visit to my local roadworks didn’t seem so bad. It’s voluntary, at least!
How about you, dear Reader? Had any cases of ‘seeing another perspective’ recently?
And, as always, have a fantastic week!
– KRidwyn