And this’ll probably be the last for today, I think… (Disclaimer: the contents of these lists are not necessarily in order. They probably change in priority according to my moods anyway!)
Seven Things that Scare Me:
- Australia’s worsening national debt
- Preventable mistakes
- Becoming the victim of eye-dentity theft
- Horror movies
- Not being the mum that my kids need me to be
- Loss of people / relationships I hold dear
- Spiders
Seven Things I Like:
- Hubby and our three little ‘uns (d’uh!)
- Cheesecake. Oh, and Raffaello.
- Holidays
- Plane trips
- Singing
- Teaching
- Friends
Seven Random Facts About Me:
- I got my motorbike license before I got my car license.
- I’m very comfortable sitting on the floor. In fact, I often prefer it to furniture.
- I’m rather conceited about the metabolism I inherited from my mother. I show this by eating dessert while watching The Biggest Loser. How bad is that!
- I’m not particularly good at keeping fish alive. In a tank, anyway. In the fishpond, they seem to be completely fine. For ages.
- I smoked for a while when I was 19. I killed the cravings (when I stopped) by eating a snickers bar each time I wanted to light up.
- When I was in Uni (the first time) I wanted to get a large tattoo on my upper arm. A panther. I’m glad now that I didn’t.
- I used to be in leadership in a cult. SOOOO happy now that I’m out!
Seven Things I want to Do Before I Die:
- Hang-glide
- See my favourite places with my own eyes. Israel, Rome, the Kimberleys, the Daintree.
- See my kids grown and happy in strong, positive relationships
- Be published. On paper. (Better hurry up with that one, hey!)
- Ride a camel
- Learn to ski
- Umm… it was stretching it to get to six!
Seven Things I Can Do Well:
- Multitask
- Bluff
- Proofread and edit
- Explain concepts so that others understand
- Comfort my children
- Play violin
- Organise
Seven Things I Can’t Do But Wish I Could:
- Turn back time
- Forgive myself more easily
- Be about a zillion times more patient
- Be just a little taller
- Break through glass ceilings. Been there, tried that. It hurt my head.
- Fit more hours into my day
- Win first division lotto. Still trying though…
Seven Phrases I’m Known to Use:
- Seriously?
- Just wait…
- Could you please…
- You’ve got to be kidding!
- Oh sh*t.
- No, sweetheart. It’s not your turn for Mummy time.
- Oh my God…