Good friends can make your day so much better, can’t they? Yesterday was pretty full on – after the (wonderful!) Morning Tea, I got to the Showgrounds only to find that the display space allocated to the Little Saints Play group had been re-allocated, and we hadn’t been told. By midday, we had been given another (small) space; by 2pm we had finished our display.
Quick grocery shop; home with Hubby and Miss 6 by 4.30. Grandma Babysitter for Miss 3 and Master 2 left, and then I noticed the runny nose. Coughing started soon after, and things went downhill from there. Have I ever mentioned how Master 2 is really whingy when he’s sick? He finally fell asleep at 1.03am. The coughing and crying started again two hours later.
On the upside, it was wonderful to post a very early #blogjune #day7 and get birthday wishes from @jzgarnett within an hour. It was wonderful to spend an hour or so with lovely ladies from @StPaulsLPS, all toasting me with TimTams and wishing me every happiness. It was wonderful to spend time creating a display with a lady who inspires me as a mother. It was wonderful to get texts and emails from friends and family. It was wonderful to check in on facebook late at night and read birthday well-wishes from people I hadn’t thought would send them; including from schoolmates not seen in decades. It was even wonderful to realise how much I was needed by a miserable Master 2 throughout the dark hours.
So. Not at Play group today (my boy would generously infect everyone else by the time he left!) and I’m tired… but I’m happy. Thank you, Lord, for my life. It’s wonderful.