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As a teenager, I owned a couple of budgies. As a Mum of a teenager, I was happy to acquiesce with Hubby’s suggestion that we convert the kids’ old cubby house into an aviary. Space underneath gave plenty of flight area, and the ‘house’ itself was excellent weather protection and for breeding box placement.

Well, breed they have. Clutch number one had two chicks raised and weaned successfully. Clutch number two had seven, from seven eggs.

Exhibit A: Sherbet and Huffle, two babies from this second clutch. We kept five and sold two. And now, their Mum has seven more eggs ready to hatch in about a week. Seven more! Bringing our total to over 20…

It would seem I am now in the budgie breeding business. (If you’re interested in their antics, my Miss14 posts photos and videos on Instagram: budgie_buds__ and she’d love more followers…)

Have a “fruitful” week yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn