Something I wrote recently:
When you’re alone and the noise from ‘society’ stops, that’s when Creation is able to slip in. Almost unnoticed. And that’s when you’re able to notice the bird calls. Recognise the sound of leaves rustling. Become aware of the the peace.
The breathing slows. Vision clears. You notice the cool air on the skin, refreshing it.
Suddenly it all seems so easy. Switching off. Tuning out from the incessant ‘go-go-go’ of the world.
Just stopping. Looking up, looking out. Looking around. Noticing – instead of how far there is to go – of how far you’ve come. Of reflecting. And yes, also, of celebrating.
Deep breath. Clear the mind. Notice the pace of life around you. Really notice. And decide when to rejoin – and rejoin the insanity on your own terms.
And then I took this photo to go with it 🙂
Here’s wishing you a refreshing week too, dear Reader!
– KRidwyn