More about me Random thoughts


It’s not often I get a cannula in the crook of my elbow. Even less often that I get stuff inserted through it and into me, while I’m conscious. Having both of these occurrences just the other week was significant enough for me to take this photo.

Let’s face it, if I was to memorialise this particular event in pixels, this drip-and-the-nondescript-ceiling-behind-it is a nicer photo than one I could have taken; of the prior event which had precipitated the need for a drip! That would not have been good; no – not at all…

Anyway, this was me in hospital. But I recovered well enough to go home, and then well enough to go  back to work, and then to decrease the pain killers I was on, and then, the rest is history… leaving me with this photo and its accompanying story.

Here’s hoping your week is cannula-free, dear Reader!
