#blogjune Blogging challenges Christianity family anecdotes

Introducing #blogJune 2018

So I’ve been doing this #blogJune thing for a while now; since its commencement in 2011, as a matter of fact. Each year is different, depending on my mood and where I’m ‘at’ in life, as a wife / Mum and an employee (or lack thereof) mainly.

As the years pass, I’m noticing that age is wearying me more than I’d care to admit. And as I was reading my Bible recently, Psalm 71:18-19 jumped out at me. It reads, “So now that I’m old, and my hair is gray, don’t abandon me, God, till I have proclaimed your strength to the next generation, your power to all who will come, your righteousness too, God, which reaches to the heights. God, you have done great things; who is there like you?” and then again in verse 24a:

“All day long my tongue will speak of your righteousness.”

And the thought appeared: why not #blogJune about God’s greatness to me?

Stay tuned – if you’re interested, that is 🙂

Because coming up this month are the stories of how God has blessed me – some of them huge, some of them miniscule – but all of them unexpected, smile-making, and praise-worthy.

So, till tomorrow, have a great day, dear Reader!

— KRidwyn