
Blogging 12 days Xmas – Day 11

So I’m continuing my annual #12daysxmas blogging challenge this year, and my theme for 2017 is ‘gratitude’. Each day for 12 days, I’m explaining one thing that occurred in each month, that I’m grateful for. Today’s month? November 🙂

November surpassed my expectations.

Again, this ‘gratitude’ story relates to my girls. Miss12 started Year 7, the first year of middle school, this year. Last year’s academic year, although not a bad one, had not been brilliant either. In fact, as academic years go, it was quite unremarkable. Miss9’s year, also, hadn’t been what I had wanted it to be. You see, my middle child is extremely academic; she takes after me in this regard, I think! (Yes, lol)

However, for reasons out of my control, although we had applied to have her accelerated in school, nothing had ever happened.

Fast forward to the end of 2016, and the enrolment interview for her new school. I had been cheeky, and written on her enrolment form that I had wanted her to enter Year 5. I knew that this would cause discussion, because she only had her Year 3 report card to show.

Imagine my surprise and delight then, within seconds of the interview starting, to hear the principal say, “I can see what you are wanting to do, and I agree completely. There is no way that your daughter should have just finished Year 3. Looking at her marks, she should definitely be in Year 5 next year.”

And so it was, she skipped Year 4 and started in Year 5 at the beginning of 2017. Fast forward to November.

At the High School Awards Night, Miss12 received a ‘High Achievement Award’. This means that she wasn’t the Dux of the cohort, but was either the second or third top student, academically. From someone who’d achieved only middling to good results in Primary School, this was an incredible achievement!

The following week was the Primary School Awards Night. And not only did Miss9 graduate from Year 5, but she also received the ‘High Achievement Award’ for her cohort. So not only had she skipped a grade, but she was among the top three students in the grade that she had moved to! She also received the position of Primary School Prefect for 2018.

What an achievement!

I trust that you too, dear Reader, had a stunning November!

And have a wonderful day 🙂
