It’s November 27. I normally resist festooning my surroundings with Christmas decorations, but seeing as there’s only one week left until school holidays, I figured it was probably timely to get into the Christmas spirit and decorate my house and office.
As well, it’s timely to reflect on the school year that was, and prepare for the year to come. What with Award Ceremonies and Presentation Nights, formals and graduations, the past month has flown past. But my ‘parents of teenagers’ group, last Friday night, asked me how my year had gone, and I actually paused to think before answering.
My response? I’ve loved this year. It’s been a steeper learning curve than I had anticipated, however I’ve loved the journey, and no, I’m not just saying that through gritted teeth, trying to convince myself. I am loving my job; I am loving my life.
I have hope for the future – I have plans which I’d like to bring to fruition, and I can look back on the year that’s been and see God’s incredible provision and grace in every area of my life.
That’s not to say that everything’s gone swimmingly. (Gotta love that adverb!)
There have been days – quite a few of them, I admit – where I’ve thrown up my hands in frustration and questioned my sanity in doing what I’m doing.
But I’m relaxing into my role, my identity, and my life, once more. I think that’s what being ‘at home’ allows you to do.
And I feel ‘at home’ in my life. In my work; in my role as wife and Mum.
And that makes me smile.
How about you, dear Reader? How has 2017 been for you?
– KRidwyn