Let me just preface this post by mentioning that this Wednesday (ie two days from now) I’ll be up on stage in front of my entire school community. Hundreds of people will see me, and hear what I have to say. This kind of occasion happens only twice per year, at our Presentation (Awards) Night and in early February – the beginning of the school year – at our Commemcement Service. And, just in case you were wondering, yes: twice a year is indeed two times more than I’m comfortable with!
That being said, I went to the gym early last Wednesday morning. Alone in the ladies workout room, the thought crossed my mind that I could use the roller (which I only use when I’m alone) and aim for some core muscles. Do I did.
Then a second thought happened. ‘I wonder how far back I can go?’
Unfortunately my Science teacher friend, who regularly comes to the gym with me, wasn’t there to remind me about laws of momentum, nor angles nor weight distribution. [Admittedly, if she was, I wouldn’t have tried it.] So I pulled the roller towards me, the momentum carried my hands too far, I overbalanced, and then face-planted over the top of the roller, into the rough gym carpet. The amount of immediate pain was incredible. I thought I’d smashed my cheekbones and nose in! I hadn’t, but it sure felt bad.
Then – and only then – the final thought flitted through my head.
“I’m going to up on stage next week, and everyone’s going to see.”
There have been, of course, multiple conversations since then, with family, colleagues, students and parents, about what I’d done to myself to get that massive mark on my face (luckily the mark on my nose was not so obvious due to contours etc) so withvthe numerous explanations, I’ve also had the chance to see the funny side and to laugh at myself.
Good practice for Wednesday night, methinks, if my face hasn’t healed in time!
Oh well. Live and learn.
Have yourselves a great week, dear Reader!
– KRidwyn