When she was younger, Miss11 loved to watch Fireman Sam. I didn’t mind – those Welsh accents were delicious to listen to! I think the bit she always liked was when Fireman Sam climbed into the tight spot with naughty Norman who’d managed to get himself into trouble. He, the hero, would put himself into danger, to save the kid who needed help. And I could understand why she liked those scenes best; difficult situations always seem easier to endure when someone’s doing the hard yards with you. ‘A burden shared is a burden halved’ and all that.
[Ever the critic, I always felt that Fireman Sam shouldn’t have *had* to always come to Norman’s rescue. Really, the kid should have learned after the first few episodes – but no. Story after story, he keeps on causing the problem, and Fireman Sam comes in and rescues him, clambering into the tight spaces, putting himself in harm’s way… and the kids just goes and does it again next episode! And in case you were wondering, my tongue *is* firmly in my cheek right now. I realise that Norman will never learn, and that it’s Fireman Sam’s job to save him each time…]
But my point is, that at the height of the danger, Fireman Sam gets in with Norman to help him get out. And that’s what God did.
Today’s letter is “I” and one of the names given to Jesus in the book of Isaiah (chapter 7 verse 14) is “Immanuel”. This name means “God is with us”. Jesus, the Son of God, came down to Earth from heaven to be with us. The human race had sinned, and that sin had broken our relationship with God. And the consequences of that sin was death. But then Jesus came. He got in with us, in this situation that we’d managed to get ourselves into, and paid the price for us so that we could get out. He died, and took the consequences of sin onto Himself. And then when He rose again from the dead, conquering death, we now are able to as well. We can be saved. Which, like Norman is every episode, I am very grateful for!
So, my takeaway lesson for “I” is this: that Jesus, our Immanuel, came to be with us, and save us. And I, for one, appreciate that!
Have a great day, dear reader!
– KRidwyn
8 replies on “26 lessons from God’s metaphors: #9”
Lovely post!
Thanks, Sare! I appreciate your stopping by, and taking the time to comment. And as much as I quite liked listening to the Welsh accents in Fireman Sam – I’m glad my kids are past that, now 🙂
I wanna be Fireman Sam, but naughty Norman seems to always poke his head out first. It’d be so easy if we could script our lives. But alas, so dull as well I guess.
I’d like to be Fireman Sam’s offsider, Penny. Although I’m nowhere near as chirpy as she is. I wonder if they’d do a cynical Penny? That’s more me. 🙂
And yes I agree, I’d LOVE to script my life! I wonder how well I’d do at the job though. Perhaps it’s best that I don’t…
Thanks for stopping by, and for your comments!
I really enjoyed reading this post. Very well done.
EM! Thank you for stopping by, and for taking the time to write a comment!!! And thanks also for the feedback 🙂
“Really, the kid should have learned after the first few episodes – but no.” Isn’t that true of us? And yet the Lord is always there for us. Lovely reminder, Kai. Thanks. 🙂
Hi Colin! And you’re welcome 🙂
A class has just arrived outside my door, so better run.
Have a great day!