Life Random thoughts

How tough are you?

8482383303_d7900da0bb_mI like to think of myself as tough. Mentally. I know that I have me a pretty strong willpower. Physically? Not so much. Emotionally? Nah – I’m kinda a marshmallow, really, when I’m honest with myself…! But mentally? I know I’ve got “grit and determination” in spades. So when I first heard about ‘Tough Mudder’ I thought ‘Wow! That would be FANTASTIC!!!’

In their own words, “Tough Mudder events are hardcore 18-20 km obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie” and some more: “To get through mud, fire, ice-water, and 10,000 volts of electricity you’ll need teammates to pick you up when your spirits dip. To get over 3 m walls and through underground mud tunnels, you’ll need teammates to give you a boost and a push. Tough Mudders are team players who make sure no one gets left behind. To that end, all Mudders℠ are expected to uphold our ideals and exhibit teamwork and camaraderie both on the course and off it.” (Find out more here)

My opinions haven’t changed, even though I’ve looked into it quite a bit more. It’s tough. It’s muddy (remember Emu Gully, Jo?) and it’s a challenge-and-a-half. So I’m up for it. Circumstances have prevented me from forming a team for this year’s Sunshine Coast challenge in August, but apparently they’ve signed up for a 5 year contract, so I’m planning to be one of the first to register for the 2014 event.

Bring it on!!!!!

CC image courtesy DVIDSHUB at

9 replies on “How tough are you?”

Hi Ceridwyn,

It is tough one. I know several boys and girls from the gym (Fatburners, Nambour) that are in training for this year’s event. They appear to be training every day! I think I’ve left my run too late (or too old)!!

Don’t let this put you off. I admire the ones to set out to do these extra-ordinary fitness programmes.

Hope your throat has improved.



Thanks – I won’t let it put me off; I’ll just ensure that I train hard for the 2014 event. (I’ll start as soon as I get better LOL) And no, definitely not too late – did you want to do it with me next year???

You must have forgotten how much I disliked Emu GUlly 😛 I’m not into dirt etc… Not saying that I didn’t enjoy spending time with my class mates, it was the physicality of it all and the mess!!! Yuck! 😛 But if you want to do it, go for it!

I plead the fifth 😛 It wasn’t too bad (if you have to twist my arm) 😛 At least I got to spend time with friends 🙂

And how do you know I wasn’t kidding? 😛 You may *not* have been able to get an honest ‘it wasn’t too bad’ from me 😛

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