Random thoughts Technology

Silver linings

Regular readers of my blog might remember that I have mentioned my Hubby’s love of fishing. Well, several years ago now, we both decided that it would be better for him to keep his bait in a freezer that lives outside. So we moved the chest freezer that we owned, out to his shed, and bought ourselves a small freezer for us to use in the kitchen.
This system was working very well for us… but, as we all know, all good things must come to an end. Hubby’s bait freezer finally died last Friday. Fair enough too, it was about 16 years old!
He discovered its demise early Saturday morning, as he thought about heading off, offshore fishing. The reek in his shed was so bad, even the dogs started blinking! So he quickly commandeered the small kitchen freezer for his shed, and we headed out as a family to buy a large chest freezer for the house. We figured, as a growing family, we could probably use more freezer space anyway!
So now, $500 later, we have a brand-new freezer sitting in my kitchen. But that’s not the silver lining…
You see, for the last few months I have been unable to charge my phone while driving. Or my iPod. Or my iPad. Or even Miss 8’s iPod! Reason being, the USB-to-iDevice charger that I had bought with my iPhone, had finally died after all the stretching that my children had made it to do, from the cigarette port in the dashboard (the one port in my Toyota Aurion) right through to the back seat, when the iDevice in question had run out of battery and the cherub in question still wanted to keep on playing. And I just didn’t want to buy a new one, seeing as that first one had cost $20, and there was no reason to believe that the same fate wouldn’t befall any further purchase of a similar charger that I made.
Plus, one of my best friends had bought me a similar two-plug USB charger for my car cigarette port, some months ago. She’d also bought me 5 USB-to-USB cords, multi-coloured and retractable. But again, with my cherubs involvement, they had all gone ‘missing’ soon after their arrival at our place. What is it with kids and retractable things?? Anyway, yet another reason why I didn’t want to outlay money on another iDevice charger for my car – I knew we had this double plug charger, and that it would turn up eventually…
Lucky, we could’t fit our new chest freezer into the back of my Toyota Aurion. Lucky, we had to take Hubby’s Pajero and the trailer to get the freezer home. And what should be hiding in the centre console of Hubby’s Pajero, but my cigarette port double-USB charger!

So now I can charge my phone while I’m driving again! Very very very stoked. 🙂