family anecdotes


It’s been almost a year since Miss11 and I bought ourselves an anklet each, on holiday. I’d never owned one before, and neither had she, so when the idea crossed my mind, we bought some and wore them. “They feel like holidays,” we decided together, and since then every time I’ve wore mine it reminds me of her, and also the incredible Rainbow Beach holiday we’d had.

During the last school holidays, we spent a week on Fraser Island. While there, this caught my eye…

meaning I now have two of them to swap out depending on outfit and mood, and both remind me of holidays with the sand between my toes!

[I also managed to lose Miss11’s anklet (yay for more mummy-guilt, huh?!) so she also has a new one now. It worked out okay – she said she didn’t mind – but now the new one’s a reminder to me of how badly I suck at this whole parenting bit…]

Anyway. Back to the point: photo 42 of the 52 I was going to share this year. My new “bling”! What do you think?

And have a sparkly week yourself, dear Reader!
