I was writing a short story one day a year or so ago, and I needed the word for one of those small waves that washes into shore. You know, the ones that squealing toddlers get lifted over, that little children run backwards from, that bring the flotsam and jetsam of an uncaring world to deposit on the beach?
“Wave” was too big. Too much power for what I wanted. So I made up ‘wavelet’. Or so I thought…
Wasn’t I surprised to find it in my dictionary, the following day!
Wavelet. Noun. A small wave, a ripple.
Exactly what I had wanted! Don’t you just love the English language?
I do.
Have a great day, dear Reader!
— KRidwyn
PS If you’re interested in the story I was writing, sorry. It was about a woman’s murder at the hands of her drunk ex. It was a pretty intense story. Far too ‘dark’ for this blog. *shrugs shoulders*