#blogjune Blogging challenges Reading

30 must-read books – #29

I remember being an angst-filled teen. Who doesn’t, right?

In hindsight though, it was pretty cruisy. I was fed, clothed, dry. I was educated – well! – and had people in my life who cared about me. The values and beliefs that I challenged, I didn’t challenge too far, because I was happy in them and they sat comfortably with me.


Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness took me aback, forced me to re-examine my opinions on gender and sex. It was, for me, the first time that I realised that a novel could do that, could stretch my mind in ways hitherto unforeseen.

What power there lies between the covers of a book!

And you, dear reader? What book first stretched your mind?

And, as always, have a fantabulous day!

— KRidwyn



2 replies on “30 must-read books – #29”

I still haven’t read this one though I’ve read other works by her and my favourite is probably The Dispossessed. However The Left Hand of Darkness continues to sit on the bookcase of books to be read taunting me 🙂

Hi Snail! Thanks so much for dropping by, and for taking the time to comment! Actually, I haven’t read The Dispossessed – nor do I have a copy on my bookcase 🙁
Something I shall have to remedy, I think. Thanks for the recommendation!

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