#blogjune Blogging challenges Christianity Reading

30 must-read books – #21

It’s flying by… today’s date-stamp means that we’re into the final third of #blogjune! And I thought I’d finish off this ‘Christian’ books week with a couple of non-fiction titles. Firstly, Philip Yancey’s classic What’s So Amazing About Grace?


Non-fiction rarely moves me; perhaps that’s why I prefer novels. But this one had me both laughing and crying – in fact, there’s a modern version of ‘the prodigal son’ in there so powerful, even thinking about it now gives me goosebumps.

Incredible writing. And what a message! It’s always an inspiring read. Truly, one of the best. Which is why it’s my Book 21, of course 🙂

Have you read it? Would you agree?

And have a lovely day, dear reader!

— KRidwyn