I just love dragons, don’t you?
And Anne McCaffrey’s dragons most of all.
So today, day 11 of #blogjune, where I’m ‘chronicling’ (lol) my 30 must-read books throughout the month, this blogpost is dedicated to that most intoxicating of beast: the dragon.
Powerful. Enormous. In McCaffrey’s novels, linked irrevocably at birth to their rider, in a relationship that transcends love and devotion. And ‘cousin’ to those itty-bitty fire-lizards which I wished I could also have as a ‘pet’ – if only to protect me from Thread, Pern’s indefatigable enemy.
My first copy of Dragonflight was read so much, it unfortunately didn’t survive the process. Then, about a decade ago, Hubby bought me an Angus and Robertson gift card for Christmas, so I treated myself to spine-matching copies of the entire Pern series. And now not only are they a fantastic read, they also look so purty on my bookshelf! (Note to self: suggest to Hubby that Christmas is coming and I really liked that gift…)
Anyway, suffice it to say: my bookshelf doesn’t lie. I like these books. A lot. Immensely. Tremendously and extraordinarily and abundantly.
Have you read any? What do *you* think of them?
And have a great day, dear reader!
2 replies on “30 must-read books – #11”
I fell in love with Menolly straight away. She and Jaxom are my favourite characters.
Have you read the Naomi Novik Temeraire series? Lots of dragons, fighting for Britain against Napoleon.
Hi Lise! Yes, Menolly’s my favourite character too. But that may be because I’m a musician 🙂 And no, I haven’t read that one – but I will be now! It sounds fantastic – thank you for the recommendation 🙂