I mentioned a few weeks back that I missed blogging with my online friends during #blog12daysxmas because I’d lost access to my blog.
Well, I’m still feeling a lack of blogging mojo, so I’ve decided to join in a daily blogging challenge. It’s one that’s been running for quite a few years now, with hundreds of participants worldwide: the April A to Z challenge.
The blogging happens each day of April except Sundays, and on each letter of the alphabet, starting at A and finishing on Z.
People write on whatever topic they like: some of the categories of blogs include animals; culinary; craft; gaming; memoir; photography; politics; science; and sports, to name but a few.
There’s also a theme, to be released by the organisers in the near future. I’m not sure what I’ll be writing on yet.
Whatever I end up with, I’m thinking it’ll be thematic. They’ll also be shortish posts, I’m thinking around the 150 word mark each. (edit post publishing: this post you’re reading is 140 words).
So that’s *my* April blogging sorted.
What do you think? If you’re a blogger, want to join me?
— KRidwyn