
Lazy Saturday

It was a rough night last night. Mr 3 decided to enjoy screaming, lots of times, very loudly, and for really no apparent reason. We woke this morning to discover that our bread was too old to be edible; difficult when all three of your cherubs like toast for breakfast.
So Hubby elected to stay home and fix the fence, to try and keep our dogs from escaping, and I took our three to Currimundi McDonalds for HotCakes and strawberry thick shakes. And I managed to catch up on yesterday’s #blogjune entry while they explored the playground. Then it was time for a quick shop before Mr 3’s appointment at Deanie’s Kids Cuts.

They have a great place there – designed specifically to keep kids entertained while their hair gets cut. Essential when the child getting his hair cut is my Mr 3. He’s getting better, I must admit. And let’s face it – for any little kid, a stranger approaching their head with scissors, is probably a little on the nightmare-inducing side of things! Anyway, hair cut over, we came home. It was a beautiful day, with very little wind, so the kids and I spent time outside. Miss 7 built a sandpit tunnel for the very first time (quite an accomplishment when your younger brother likes filling in holes in the sandpit!) and Miss 4 did *not* fall off the trampoline, and Mr 3 – of course – terrorised the fish in our fish pond.

Back inside when the wind picked up, I was soundly thrashed by Miss 4 at Uno (she’s actually getting very good at it!) and so the afternoon progressed.

I don’t know about you, but I love ‘lazy’ Saturdays! Days when I don’t turn on the computer until after the kids are in bed – just so darn precious!

And now, having caught up on my #blogjune entries, its back into it. Work beckons. See you tomorrow, dear readers!


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