I blogged last week about how Mr 3 was more than happy to play two player against himself on the PS2. Today, he took that idea to the next level.
Maybe it was buying ‘Shrek Super Slam’ last week, maybe it was watching ‘Hoodwinked’ as a family on the weekend; I’m not entirely sure. But this morning, while I’m getting us ready for Miss 7’s excursion, Miss 4 to ‘Grandma playgroup’ and Mr 3 to his ECDP and Speech Therapy, he sets up the Playstation, turns on the tv, and plays a 4-player game, by himself, on aforementioned Shrek SuperSlam. So I have visions of ‘The Amazing Race’ (it’s the same music) while I’m hearing “Red riding hood! Versus… Red riding hood! Versus… Red riding hood! Versus… Red riding hood!”