Yesterday afternoon, two online friends @fionawb and @jobeaz were discussing having ‘positivity in your PLN’, and they came up with the idea of sharing a daily “What made your day”, tweeting about it with the hashtag #Springinyourstep. And not to shy away from a blogging challenge, I asked to join in. So here ’tis! Day 1 of September, and what made my day today?
This morning, I snuggled with my three cherubs on my new lounge.
Hubby and I have been married since November 1995, and this Wednesday just gone, we finally got our first lounge. LOL! New furniture (and snuggling three gorgeous little people) certainly puts a #Springinyourstep!!!
It was a beautiful day. Hubby had to study (CPA, third unit, poor love) so aforementioned kids and I spent the day outside. And for part of that time, I got to use my hammock YAY!!! Definitely a #Springinyourstep experience!
And finally, I cooked myself some mushrooms… a rare luxury for me. Omnomnomnomnomnom!
Overall, it was a wonderful first day of Spring. And I’m also very happy to be joining in this #Springinyourstep daily blogging challenge. I’ve been envying my friend Catherine Buntrock’s Facebook updates with her daily dose of gratitude, and my pathetic drawing ability unfortunately meant that I’m unable to join in with #drawmeSeptember starting today with another friend @bbeingcool, so this is a perfect fit, methinks. Join in, dear readers, if you’d like! And see you tomorrow!