family anecdotes Life


Miss 7, like most Grade 2ers, I guess, has readers. She doesn’t particularly like them. I don’t particularly blame her. Nevertheless, she needs to read them, so she does. She’s pretty good at doing what she’s told. And I like that.


So anyway, I started this blog post last night, while reading with Miss 7. I then set aside my iPhone, which I’d been using to blog (with the WordPress app) when I realised later that I had inadvertently published it. And I’m not entirely sure but I have a feeling that it sent it immediately through to both my twitter feed and my Facebook account. Whoops!

It (the above) was going to be the lead-in to a post on reading. And how Miss 7 doesn’t like it, and how I think that’s due to vision problems. Today, she had a second appointment with a Behavioural Optometrist, who confirmed it. Long story short, she chose some frames today and in a couple of weeks her glasses will be ready. She’ll be the first in our family. But as Hubby and I are both in front of our computer screens for hours every day, and as he’s gone 40 and I’m nearing it faster than I had hoped to, I doubt she’ll be the only for long…

Anyway, sorry for the mixup, dear readers – and for the email you received, my even dearer subscribers! I’ll be more careful when blogging from a mobile device in future…!