#blogjune Blogging challenges Reading Review

30 must-read books – #4

#bj3And again, another collection. Yes, I’m a bit of a cheat, aren’t I? Sorry!!!

As a high school English teacher for more years than I dare count, I’ve studied and taught my fair share of these. My hands-down favourite is A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Who could resist the fun of Puck?! I grin, thinking about Shakespeare smiling while first drafting the ‘head of a donkey’ section. What went through his head, I wonder?

So, how many have you read? And which is your favourite, dear reader?

Have a great day!

— KRidwyn

2 replies on “30 must-read books – #4”

I have only read Julius Caesar and Macbeth which I studied at high school. As an English teach can you tell me who decides what Shakespeare is studied by which class? Or is this a decision made by individual teachers? I have always wondered this.

Hi Rachel – thanks for your comment!
I’m not sure how other schools do it, but in the school’s where I’ve taught English, the Head of Department told me which play I’d be teaching. And when *I* was Head of Department, I both 1) followed the pattern of the plays studied in previous years (because the school had already purchased the class sets of texts) and 2) allowed certain enthusiastic members of my teaching staff to branch out and teach the Shakespearean plays they wanted to. Within reason, of course. I have a feeling that the darker tragedies were more Senior texts, and the lighter plays were Junior – having said that though, Romeo and Juliet is also generally a Middle School (Year 8 / 9 ) text, in my experience. I hope this helps!

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